" )
id: id,
role: "tooltip"
.addClass( "ui-tooltip ui-widget ui-corner-all ui-widget-content " +
( this.options.tooltipClass || "" ) );
$( "
" )
.addClass( "ui-tooltip-content" )
.appendTo( tooltip );
tooltip.appendTo( this.document[0].body );
this.tooltips[ id ] = element;
return tooltip;
_find: function( target ) {
var id = target.data( "ui-tooltip-id" );
return id ? $( "#" + id ) : $();
_removeTooltip: function( tooltip ) {
delete this.tooltips[ tooltip.attr( "id" ) ];
_destroy: function() {
var that = this;
$.each( this.tooltips, function( id, element ) {
var event = $.Event( "blur" );
event.target = event.currentTarget = element[0];
that.close( event, true );
$( "#" + id ).remove();
if ( element.data( "ui-tooltip-title" ) ) {
element.attr( "title", element.data( "ui-tooltip-title" ) );
element.removeData( "ui-tooltip-title" );
}( jQuery ) );
(function($, undefined) {
var dataSpace = "ui-effects-";
$.effects = {
effect: {}
* jQuery Color Animations v2.1.2
* https://github.com/jquery/jquery-color
* Copyright 2013 jQuery Foundation and other contributors
* Released under the MIT license.
* http://jquery.org/license
* Date: Wed Jan 16 08:47:09 2013 -0600
(function( jQuery, undefined ) {
var stepHooks = "backgroundColor borderBottomColor borderLeftColor borderRightColor borderTopColor color columnRuleColor outlineColor textDecorationColor textEmphasisColor",
rplusequals = /^([\-+])=\s*(\d+\.?\d*)/,
stringParsers = [{
re: /rgba?\(\s*(\d{1,3})\s*,\s*(\d{1,3})\s*,\s*(\d{1,3})\s*(?:,\s*(\d?(?:\.\d+)?)\s*)?\)/,
parse: function( execResult ) {
return [
execResult[ 1 ],
execResult[ 2 ],
execResult[ 3 ],
execResult[ 4 ]
}, {
re: /rgba?\(\s*(\d+(?:\.\d+)?)\%\s*,\s*(\d+(?:\.\d+)?)\%\s*,\s*(\d+(?:\.\d+)?)\%\s*(?:,\s*(\d?(?:\.\d+)?)\s*)?\)/,
parse: function( execResult ) {
return [
execResult[ 1 ] * 2.55,
execResult[ 2 ] * 2.55,
execResult[ 3 ] * 2.55,
execResult[ 4 ]
}, {
re: /#([a-f0-9]{2})([a-f0-9]{2})([a-f0-9]{2})/,
parse: function( execResult ) {
return [
parseInt( execResult[ 1 ], 16 ),
parseInt( execResult[ 2 ], 16 ),
parseInt( execResult[ 3 ], 16 )
}, {
re: /#([a-f0-9])([a-f0-9])([a-f0-9])/,
parse: function( execResult ) {
return [
parseInt( execResult[ 1 ] + execResult[ 1 ], 16 ),
parseInt( execResult[ 2 ] + execResult[ 2 ], 16 ),
parseInt( execResult[ 3 ] + execResult[ 3 ], 16 )
}, {
re: /hsla?\(\s*(\d+(?:\.\d+)?)\s*,\s*(\d+(?:\.\d+)?)\%\s*,\s*(\d+(?:\.\d+)?)\%\s*(?:,\s*(\d?(?:\.\d+)?)\s*)?\)/,
space: "hsla",
parse: function( execResult ) {
return [
execResult[ 1 ],
execResult[ 2 ] / 100,
execResult[ 3 ] / 100,
execResult[ 4 ]
color = jQuery.Color = function( color, green, blue, alpha ) {
return new jQuery.Color.fn.parse( color, green, blue, alpha );
spaces = {
rgba: {
props: {
red: {
idx: 0,
type: "byte"
green: {
idx: 1,
type: "byte"
blue: {
idx: 2,
type: "byte"
hsla: {
props: {
hue: {
idx: 0,
type: "degrees"
saturation: {
idx: 1,
type: "percent"
lightness: {
idx: 2,
type: "percent"
propTypes = {
"byte": {
floor: true,
max: 255
"percent": {
max: 1
"degrees": {
mod: 360,
floor: true
support = color.support = {},
supportElem = jQuery( "
" )[ 0 ],
each = jQuery.each;
supportElem.style.cssText = "background-color:rgba(1,1,1,.5)";
support.rgba = supportElem.style.backgroundColor.indexOf( "rgba" ) > -1;
each( spaces, function( spaceName, space ) {
space.cache = "_" + spaceName;
space.props.alpha = {
idx: 3,
type: "percent",
def: 1
function clamp( value, prop, allowEmpty ) {
var type = propTypes[ prop.type ] || {};
if ( value == null ) {
return (allowEmpty || !prop.def) ? null : prop.def;
value = type.floor ? ~~value : parseFloat( value );
if ( isNaN( value ) ) {
return prop.def;
if ( type.mod ) {
return (value + type.mod) % type.mod;
return 0 > value ? 0 : type.max < value ? type.max : value;
function stringParse( string ) {
var inst = color(),
rgba = inst._rgba = [];
string = string.toLowerCase();
each( stringParsers, function( i, parser ) {
var parsed,
match = parser.re.exec( string ),
values = match && parser.parse( match ),
spaceName = parser.space || "rgba";
if ( values ) {
parsed = inst[ spaceName ]( values );
inst[ spaces[ spaceName ].cache ] = parsed[ spaces[ spaceName ].cache ];
rgba = inst._rgba = parsed._rgba;
return false;
if ( rgba.length ) {
if ( rgba.join() === "0,0,0,0" ) {
jQuery.extend( rgba, colors.transparent );
return inst;
return colors[ string ];
color.fn = jQuery.extend( color.prototype, {
parse: function( red, green, blue, alpha ) {
if ( red === undefined ) {
this._rgba = [ null, null, null, null ];
return this;
if ( red.jquery || red.nodeType ) {
red = jQuery( red ).css( green );
green = undefined;
var inst = this,
type = jQuery.type( red ),
rgba = this._rgba = [];
if ( green !== undefined ) {
red = [ red, green, blue, alpha ];
type = "array";
if ( type === "string" ) {
return this.parse( stringParse( red ) || colors._default );
if ( type === "array" ) {
each( spaces.rgba.props, function( key, prop ) {
rgba[ prop.idx ] = clamp( red[ prop.idx ], prop );
return this;
if ( type === "object" ) {
if ( red instanceof color ) {
each( spaces, function( spaceName, space ) {
if ( red[ space.cache ] ) {
inst[ space.cache ] = red[ space.cache ].slice();
} else {
each( spaces, function( spaceName, space ) {
var cache = space.cache;
each( space.props, function( key, prop ) {
if ( !inst[ cache ] && space.to ) {
if ( key === "alpha" || red[ key ] == null ) {
inst[ cache ] = space.to( inst._rgba );
inst[ cache ][ prop.idx ] = clamp( red[ key ], prop, true );
if ( inst[ cache ] && jQuery.inArray( null, inst[ cache ].slice( 0, 3 ) ) < 0 ) {
inst[ cache ][ 3 ] = 1;
if ( space.from ) {
inst._rgba = space.from( inst[ cache ] );
return this;
is: function( compare ) {
var is = color( compare ),
same = true,
inst = this;
each( spaces, function( _, space ) {
var localCache,
isCache = is[ space.cache ];
if (isCache) {
localCache = inst[ space.cache ] || space.to && space.to( inst._rgba ) || [];
each( space.props, function( _, prop ) {
if ( isCache[ prop.idx ] != null ) {
same = ( isCache[ prop.idx ] === localCache[ prop.idx ] );
return same;
return same;
return same;
_space: function() {
var used = [],
inst = this;
each( spaces, function( spaceName, space ) {
if ( inst[ space.cache ] ) {
used.push( spaceName );
return used.pop();
transition: function( other, distance ) {
var end = color( other ),
spaceName = end._space(),
space = spaces[ spaceName ],
startColor = this.alpha() === 0 ? color( "transparent" ) : this,
start = startColor[ space.cache ] || space.to( startColor._rgba ),
result = start.slice();
end = end[ space.cache ];
each( space.props, function( key, prop ) {
var index = prop.idx,
startValue = start[ index ],
endValue = end[ index ],
type = propTypes[ prop.type ] || {};
if ( endValue === null ) {
if ( startValue === null ) {
result[ index ] = endValue;
} else {
if ( type.mod ) {
if ( endValue - startValue > type.mod / 2 ) {
startValue += type.mod;
} else if ( startValue - endValue > type.mod / 2 ) {
startValue -= type.mod;
result[ index ] = clamp( ( endValue - startValue ) * distance + startValue, prop );
return this[ spaceName ]( result );
blend: function( opaque ) {
if ( this._rgba[ 3 ] === 1 ) {
return this;
var rgb = this._rgba.slice(),
a = rgb.pop(),
blend = color( opaque )._rgba;
return color( jQuery.map( rgb, function( v, i ) {
return ( 1 - a ) * blend[ i ] + a * v;
toRgbaString: function() {
var prefix = "rgba(",
rgba = jQuery.map( this._rgba, function( v, i ) {
return v == null ? ( i > 2 ? 1 : 0 ) : v;
if ( rgba[ 3 ] === 1 ) {
prefix = "rgb(";
return prefix + rgba.join() + ")";
toHslaString: function() {
var prefix = "hsla(",
hsla = jQuery.map( this.hsla(), function( v, i ) {
if ( v == null ) {
v = i > 2 ? 1 : 0;
if ( i && i < 3 ) {
v = Math.round( v * 100 ) + "%";
return v;
if ( hsla[ 3 ] === 1 ) {
prefix = "hsl(";
return prefix + hsla.join() + ")";
toHexString: function( includeAlpha ) {
var rgba = this._rgba.slice(),
alpha = rgba.pop();
if ( includeAlpha ) {
rgba.push( ~~( alpha * 255 ) );
return "#" + jQuery.map( rgba, function( v ) {
v = ( v || 0 ).toString( 16 );
return v.length === 1 ? "0" + v : v;
toString: function() {
return this._rgba[ 3 ] === 0 ? "transparent" : this.toRgbaString();
color.fn.parse.prototype = color.fn;
function hue2rgb( p, q, h ) {
h = ( h + 1 ) % 1;
if ( h * 6 < 1 ) {
return p + (q - p) * h * 6;
if ( h * 2 < 1) {
return q;
if ( h * 3 < 2 ) {
return p + (q - p) * ((2/3) - h) * 6;
return p;
spaces.hsla.to = function ( rgba ) {
if ( rgba[ 0 ] == null || rgba[ 1 ] == null || rgba[ 2 ] == null ) {
return [ null, null, null, rgba[ 3 ] ];
var r = rgba[ 0 ] / 255,
g = rgba[ 1 ] / 255,
b = rgba[ 2 ] / 255,
a = rgba[ 3 ],
max = Math.max( r, g, b ),
min = Math.min( r, g, b ),
diff = max - min,
add = max + min,
l = add * 0.5,
h, s;
if ( min === max ) {
h = 0;
} else if ( r === max ) {
h = ( 60 * ( g - b ) / diff ) + 360;
} else if ( g === max ) {
h = ( 60 * ( b - r ) / diff ) + 120;
} else {
h = ( 60 * ( r - g ) / diff ) + 240;
if ( diff === 0 ) {
s = 0;
} else if ( l <= 0.5 ) {
s = diff / add;
} else {
s = diff / ( 2 - add );
return [ Math.round(h) % 360, s, l, a == null ? 1 : a ];
spaces.hsla.from = function ( hsla ) {
if ( hsla[ 0 ] == null || hsla[ 1 ] == null || hsla[ 2 ] == null ) {
return [ null, null, null, hsla[ 3 ] ];
var h = hsla[ 0 ] / 360,
s = hsla[ 1 ],
l = hsla[ 2 ],
a = hsla[ 3 ],
q = l <= 0.5 ? l * ( 1 + s ) : l + s - l * s,
p = 2 * l - q;
return [
Math.round( hue2rgb( p, q, h + ( 1 / 3 ) ) * 255 ),
Math.round( hue2rgb( p, q, h ) * 255 ),
Math.round( hue2rgb( p, q, h - ( 1 / 3 ) ) * 255 ),
each( spaces, function( spaceName, space ) {
var props = space.props,
cache = space.cache,
to = space.to,
from = space.from;
color.fn[ spaceName ] = function( value ) {
if ( to && !this[ cache ] ) {
this[ cache ] = to( this._rgba );
if ( value === undefined ) {
return this[ cache ].slice();
var ret,
type = jQuery.type( value ),
arr = ( type === "array" || type === "object" ) ? value : arguments,
local = this[ cache ].slice();
each( props, function( key, prop ) {
var val = arr[ type === "object" ? key : prop.idx ];
if ( val == null ) {
val = local[ prop.idx ];
local[ prop.idx ] = clamp( val, prop );
if ( from ) {
ret = color( from( local ) );
ret[ cache ] = local;
return ret;
} else {
return color( local );
each( props, function( key, prop ) {
if ( color.fn[ key ] ) {
color.fn[ key ] = function( value ) {
var vtype = jQuery.type( value ),
fn = ( key === "alpha" ? ( this._hsla ? "hsla" : "rgba" ) : spaceName ),
local = this[ fn ](),
cur = local[ prop.idx ],
if ( vtype === "undefined" ) {
return cur;
if ( vtype === "function" ) {
value = value.call( this, cur );
vtype = jQuery.type( value );
if ( value == null && prop.empty ) {
return this;
if ( vtype === "string" ) {
match = rplusequals.exec( value );
if ( match ) {
value = cur + parseFloat( match[ 2 ] ) * ( match[ 1 ] === "+" ? 1 : -1 );
local[ prop.idx ] = value;
return this[ fn ]( local );
color.hook = function( hook ) {
var hooks = hook.split( " " );
each( hooks, function( i, hook ) {
jQuery.cssHooks[ hook ] = {
set: function( elem, value ) {
var parsed, curElem,
backgroundColor = "";
if ( value !== "transparent" && ( jQuery.type( value ) !== "string" || ( parsed = stringParse( value ) ) ) ) {
value = color( parsed || value );
if ( !support.rgba && value._rgba[ 3 ] !== 1 ) {
curElem = hook === "backgroundColor" ? elem.parentNode : elem;
while (
(backgroundColor === "" || backgroundColor === "transparent") &&
curElem && curElem.style
) {
try {
backgroundColor = jQuery.css( curElem, "backgroundColor" );
curElem = curElem.parentNode;
} catch ( e ) {
value = value.blend( backgroundColor && backgroundColor !== "transparent" ?
backgroundColor :
"_default" );
value = value.toRgbaString();
try {
elem.style[ hook ] = value;
} catch( e ) {
jQuery.fx.step[ hook ] = function( fx ) {
if ( !fx.colorInit ) {
fx.start = color( fx.elem, hook );
fx.end = color( fx.end );
fx.colorInit = true;
jQuery.cssHooks[ hook ].set( fx.elem, fx.start.transition( fx.end, fx.pos ) );
color.hook( stepHooks );
jQuery.cssHooks.borderColor = {
expand: function( value ) {
var expanded = {};
each( [ "Top", "Right", "Bottom", "Left" ], function( i, part ) {
expanded[ "border" + part + "Color" ] = value;
return expanded;
colors = jQuery.Color.names = {
aqua: "#00ffff",
black: "#000000",
blue: "#0000ff",
fuchsia: "#ff00ff",
gray: "#808080",
green: "#008000",
lime: "#00ff00",
maroon: "#800000",
navy: "#000080",
olive: "#808000",
purple: "#800080",
red: "#ff0000",
silver: "#c0c0c0",
teal: "#008080",
white: "#ffffff",
yellow: "#ffff00",
transparent: [ null, null, null, 0 ],
_default: "#ffffff"
})( jQuery );
(function() {
var classAnimationActions = [ "add", "remove", "toggle" ],
shorthandStyles = {
border: 1,
borderBottom: 1,
borderColor: 1,
borderLeft: 1,
borderRight: 1,
borderTop: 1,
borderWidth: 1,
margin: 1,
padding: 1
$.each([ "borderLeftStyle", "borderRightStyle", "borderBottomStyle", "borderTopStyle" ], function( _, prop ) {
$.fx.step[ prop ] = function( fx ) {
if ( fx.end !== "none" && !fx.setAttr || fx.pos === 1 && !fx.setAttr ) {
jQuery.style( fx.elem, prop, fx.end );
fx.setAttr = true;
function getElementStyles( elem ) {
var key, len,
style = elem.ownerDocument.defaultView ?
elem.ownerDocument.defaultView.getComputedStyle( elem, null ) :
styles = {};
if ( style && style.length && style[ 0 ] && style[ style[ 0 ] ] ) {
len = style.length;
while ( len-- ) {
key = style[ len ];
if ( typeof style[ key ] === "string" ) {
styles[ $.camelCase( key ) ] = style[ key ];
} else {
for ( key in style ) {
if ( typeof style[ key ] === "string" ) {
styles[ key ] = style[ key ];
return styles;
function styleDifference( oldStyle, newStyle ) {
var diff = {},
name, value;
for ( name in newStyle ) {
value = newStyle[ name ];
if ( oldStyle[ name ] !== value ) {
if ( !shorthandStyles[ name ] ) {
if ( $.fx.step[ name ] || !isNaN( parseFloat( value ) ) ) {
diff[ name ] = value;
return diff;
if ( !$.fn.addBack ) {
$.fn.addBack = function( selector ) {
return this.add( selector == null ?
this.prevObject : this.prevObject.filter( selector )
$.effects.animateClass = function( value, duration, easing, callback ) {
var o = $.speed( duration, easing, callback );
return this.queue( function() {
var animated = $( this ),
baseClass = animated.attr( "class" ) || "",
allAnimations = o.children ? animated.find( "*" ).addBack() : animated;
allAnimations = allAnimations.map(function() {
var el = $( this );
return {
el: el,
start: getElementStyles( this )
applyClassChange = function() {
$.each( classAnimationActions, function(i, action) {
if ( value[ action ] ) {
animated[ action + "Class" ]( value[ action ] );
allAnimations = allAnimations.map(function() {
this.end = getElementStyles( this.el[ 0 ] );
this.diff = styleDifference( this.start, this.end );
return this;
animated.attr( "class", baseClass );
allAnimations = allAnimations.map(function() {
var styleInfo = this,
dfd = $.Deferred(),
opts = $.extend({}, o, {
queue: false,
complete: function() {
dfd.resolve( styleInfo );
this.el.animate( this.diff, opts );
return dfd.promise();
$.when.apply( $, allAnimations.get() ).done(function() {
$.each( arguments, function() {
var el = this.el;
$.each( this.diff, function(key) {
el.css( key, "" );
o.complete.call( animated[ 0 ] );
addClass: (function( orig ) {
return function( classNames, speed, easing, callback ) {
return speed ?
$.effects.animateClass.call( this,
{ add: classNames }, speed, easing, callback ) :
orig.apply( this, arguments );
})( $.fn.addClass ),
removeClass: (function( orig ) {
return function( classNames, speed, easing, callback ) {
return arguments.length > 1 ?
$.effects.animateClass.call( this,
{ remove: classNames }, speed, easing, callback ) :
orig.apply( this, arguments );
})( $.fn.removeClass ),
toggleClass: (function( orig ) {
return function( classNames, force, speed, easing, callback ) {
if ( typeof force === "boolean" || force === undefined ) {
if ( !speed ) {
return orig.apply( this, arguments );
} else {
return $.effects.animateClass.call( this,
(force ? { add: classNames } : { remove: classNames }),
speed, easing, callback );
} else {
return $.effects.animateClass.call( this,
{ toggle: classNames }, force, speed, easing );
})( $.fn.toggleClass ),
switchClass: function( remove, add, speed, easing, callback) {
return $.effects.animateClass.call( this, {
add: add,
remove: remove
}, speed, easing, callback );
(function() {
$.extend( $.effects, {
version: "1.10.3",
save: function( element, set ) {
for( var i=0; i < set.length; i++ ) {
if ( set[ i ] !== null ) {
element.data( dataSpace + set[ i ], element[ 0 ].style[ set[ i ] ] );
restore: function( element, set ) {
var val, i;
for( i=0; i < set.length; i++ ) {
if ( set[ i ] !== null ) {
val = element.data( dataSpace + set[ i ] );
if ( val === undefined ) {
val = "";
element.css( set[ i ], val );
setMode: function( el, mode ) {
if (mode === "toggle") {
mode = el.is( ":hidden" ) ? "show" : "hide";
return mode;
getBaseline: function( origin, original ) {
var y, x;
switch ( origin[ 0 ] ) {
case "top": y = 0; break;
case "middle": y = 0.5; break;
case "bottom": y = 1; break;
default: y = origin[ 0 ] / original.height;
switch ( origin[ 1 ] ) {
case "left": x = 0; break;
case "center": x = 0.5; break;
case "right": x = 1; break;
default: x = origin[ 1 ] / original.width;
return {
x: x,
y: y
createWrapper: function( element ) {
if ( element.parent().is( ".ui-effects-wrapper" )) {
return element.parent();
var props = {
width: element.outerWidth(true),
height: element.outerHeight(true),
"float": element.css( "float" )
wrapper = $( "
" )
.addClass( "ui-effects-wrapper" )
fontSize: "100%",
background: "transparent",
border: "none",
margin: 0,
padding: 0
size = {
width: element.width(),
height: element.height()
active = document.activeElement;
try {
} catch( e ) {
active = document.body;
element.wrap( wrapper );
if ( element[ 0 ] === active || $.contains( element[ 0 ], active ) ) {
$( active ).focus();
wrapper = element.parent(); //Hotfix for jQuery 1.4 since some change in wrap() seems to actually lose the reference to the wrapped element
if ( element.css( "position" ) === "static" ) {
wrapper.css({ position: "relative" });
element.css({ position: "relative" });
} else {
$.extend( props, {
position: element.css( "position" ),
zIndex: element.css( "z-index" )
$.each([ "top", "left", "bottom", "right" ], function(i, pos) {
props[ pos ] = element.css( pos );
if ( isNaN( parseInt( props[ pos ], 10 ) ) ) {
props[ pos ] = "auto";
position: "relative",
top: 0,
left: 0,
right: "auto",
bottom: "auto"
return wrapper.css( props ).show();
removeWrapper: function( element ) {
var active = document.activeElement;
if ( element.parent().is( ".ui-effects-wrapper" ) ) {
element.parent().replaceWith( element );
if ( element[ 0 ] === active || $.contains( element[ 0 ], active ) ) {
$( active ).focus();
return element;
setTransition: function( element, list, factor, value ) {
value = value || {};
$.each( list, function( i, x ) {
var unit = element.cssUnit( x );
if ( unit[ 0 ] > 0 ) {
value[ x ] = unit[ 0 ] * factor + unit[ 1 ];
return value;
function _normalizeArguments( effect, options, speed, callback ) {
if ( $.isPlainObject( effect ) ) {
options = effect;
effect = effect.effect;
effect = { effect: effect };
if ( options == null ) {
options = {};
if ( $.isFunction( options ) ) {
callback = options;
speed = null;
options = {};
if ( typeof options === "number" || $.fx.speeds[ options ] ) {
callback = speed;
speed = options;
options = {};
if ( $.isFunction( speed ) ) {
callback = speed;
speed = null;
if ( options ) {
$.extend( effect, options );
speed = speed || options.duration;
effect.duration = $.fx.off ? 0 :
typeof speed === "number" ? speed :
speed in $.fx.speeds ? $.fx.speeds[ speed ] :
effect.complete = callback || options.complete;
return effect;
function standardAnimationOption( option ) {
if ( !option || typeof option === "number" || $.fx.speeds[ option ] ) {
return true;
if ( typeof option === "string" && !$.effects.effect[ option ] ) {
return true;
if ( $.isFunction( option ) ) {
return true;
if ( typeof option === "object" && !option.effect ) {
return true;
return false;
effect: function( /* effect, options, speed, callback */ ) {
var args = _normalizeArguments.apply( this, arguments ),
mode = args.mode,
queue = args.queue,
effectMethod = $.effects.effect[ args.effect ];
if ( $.fx.off || !effectMethod ) {
if ( mode ) {
return this[ mode ]( args.duration, args.complete );
} else {
return this.each( function() {
if ( args.complete ) {
args.complete.call( this );
function run( next ) {
var elem = $( this ),
complete = args.complete,
mode = args.mode;
function done() {
if ( $.isFunction( complete ) ) {
complete.call( elem[0] );
if ( $.isFunction( next ) ) {
if ( elem.is( ":hidden" ) ? mode === "hide" : mode === "show" ) {
elem[ mode ]();
} else {
effectMethod.call( elem[0], args, done );
return queue === false ? this.each( run ) : this.queue( queue || "fx", run );
show: (function( orig ) {
return function( option ) {
if ( standardAnimationOption( option ) ) {
return orig.apply( this, arguments );
} else {
var args = _normalizeArguments.apply( this, arguments );
args.mode = "show";
return this.effect.call( this, args );
})( $.fn.show ),
hide: (function( orig ) {
return function( option ) {
if ( standardAnimationOption( option ) ) {
return orig.apply( this, arguments );
} else {
var args = _normalizeArguments.apply( this, arguments );
args.mode = "hide";
return this.effect.call( this, args );
})( $.fn.hide ),
toggle: (function( orig ) {
return function( option ) {
if ( standardAnimationOption( option ) || typeof option === "boolean" ) {
return orig.apply( this, arguments );
} else {
var args = _normalizeArguments.apply( this, arguments );
args.mode = "toggle";
return this.effect.call( this, args );
})( $.fn.toggle ),
cssUnit: function(key) {
var style = this.css( key ),
val = [];
$.each( [ "em", "px", "%", "pt" ], function( i, unit ) {
if ( style.indexOf( unit ) > 0 ) {
val = [ parseFloat( style ), unit ];
return val;
(function() {
var baseEasings = {};
$.each( [ "Quad", "Cubic", "Quart", "Quint", "Expo" ], function( i, name ) {
baseEasings[ name ] = function( p ) {
return Math.pow( p, i + 2 );
$.extend( baseEasings, {
Sine: function ( p ) {
return 1 - Math.cos( p * Math.PI / 2 );
Circ: function ( p ) {
return 1 - Math.sqrt( 1 - p * p );
Elastic: function( p ) {
return p === 0 || p === 1 ? p :
-Math.pow( 2, 8 * (p - 1) ) * Math.sin( ( (p - 1) * 80 - 7.5 ) * Math.PI / 15 );
Back: function( p ) {
return p * p * ( 3 * p - 2 );
Bounce: function ( p ) {
var pow2,
bounce = 4;
while ( p < ( ( pow2 = Math.pow( 2, --bounce ) ) - 1 ) / 11 ) {}
return 1 / Math.pow( 4, 3 - bounce ) - 7.5625 * Math.pow( ( pow2 * 3 - 2 ) / 22 - p, 2 );
$.each( baseEasings, function( name, easeIn ) {
$.easing[ "easeIn" + name ] = easeIn;
$.easing[ "easeOut" + name ] = function( p ) {
return 1 - easeIn( 1 - p );
$.easing[ "easeInOut" + name ] = function( p ) {
return p < 0.5 ?
easeIn( p * 2 ) / 2 :
1 - easeIn( p * -2 + 2 ) / 2;
(function( $, undefined ) {
var rvertical = /up|down|vertical/,
rpositivemotion = /up|left|vertical|horizontal/;
$.effects.effect.blind = function( o, done ) {
var el = $( this ),
props = [ "position", "top", "bottom", "left", "right", "height", "width" ],
mode = $.effects.setMode( el, o.mode || "hide" ),
direction = o.direction || "up",
vertical = rvertical.test( direction ),
ref = vertical ? "height" : "width",
ref2 = vertical ? "top" : "left",
motion = rpositivemotion.test( direction ),
animation = {},
show = mode === "show",
wrapper, distance, margin;
if ( el.parent().is( ".ui-effects-wrapper" ) ) {
$.effects.save( el.parent(), props );
} else {
$.effects.save( el, props );
wrapper = $.effects.createWrapper( el ).css({
overflow: "hidden"
distance = wrapper[ ref ]();
margin = parseFloat( wrapper.css( ref2 ) ) || 0;
animation[ ref ] = show ? distance : 0;
if ( !motion ) {
.css( vertical ? "bottom" : "right", 0 )
.css( vertical ? "top" : "left", "auto" )
.css({ position: "absolute" });
animation[ ref2 ] = show ? margin : distance + margin;
if ( show ) {
wrapper.css( ref, 0 );
if ( ! motion ) {
wrapper.css( ref2, margin + distance );
wrapper.animate( animation, {
duration: o.duration,
easing: o.easing,
queue: false,
complete: function() {
if ( mode === "hide" ) {
$.effects.restore( el, props );
$.effects.removeWrapper( el );
(function( $, undefined ) {
$.effects.effect.bounce = function( o, done ) {
var el = $( this ),
props = [ "position", "top", "bottom", "left", "right", "height", "width" ],
mode = $.effects.setMode( el, o.mode || "effect" ),
hide = mode === "hide",
show = mode === "show",
direction = o.direction || "up",
distance = o.distance,
times = o.times || 5,
anims = times * 2 + ( show || hide ? 1 : 0 ),
speed = o.duration / anims,
easing = o.easing,
ref = ( direction === "up" || direction === "down" ) ? "top" : "left",
motion = ( direction === "up" || direction === "left" ),
queue = el.queue(),
queuelen = queue.length;
if ( show || hide ) {
props.push( "opacity" );
$.effects.save( el, props );
$.effects.createWrapper( el ); // Create Wrapper
if ( !distance ) {
distance = el[ ref === "top" ? "outerHeight" : "outerWidth" ]() / 3;
if ( show ) {
downAnim = { opacity: 1 };
downAnim[ ref ] = 0;
el.css( "opacity", 0 )
.css( ref, motion ? -distance * 2 : distance * 2 )
.animate( downAnim, speed, easing );
if ( hide ) {
distance = distance / Math.pow( 2, times - 1 );
downAnim = {};
downAnim[ ref ] = 0;
for ( i = 0; i < times; i++ ) {
upAnim = {};
upAnim[ ref ] = ( motion ? "-=" : "+=" ) + distance;
el.animate( upAnim, speed, easing )
.animate( downAnim, speed, easing );
distance = hide ? distance * 2 : distance / 2;
if ( hide ) {
upAnim = { opacity: 0 };
upAnim[ ref ] = ( motion ? "-=" : "+=" ) + distance;
el.animate( upAnim, speed, easing );
el.queue(function() {
if ( hide ) {
$.effects.restore( el, props );
$.effects.removeWrapper( el );
if ( queuelen > 1) {
queue.splice.apply( queue,
[ 1, 0 ].concat( queue.splice( queuelen, anims + 1 ) ) );
(function( $, undefined ) {
$.effects.effect.clip = function( o, done ) {
var el = $( this ),
props = [ "position", "top", "bottom", "left", "right", "height", "width" ],
mode = $.effects.setMode( el, o.mode || "hide" ),
show = mode === "show",
direction = o.direction || "vertical",
vert = direction === "vertical",
size = vert ? "height" : "width",
position = vert ? "top" : "left",
animation = {},
wrapper, animate, distance;
$.effects.save( el, props );
wrapper = $.effects.createWrapper( el ).css({
overflow: "hidden"
animate = ( el[0].tagName === "IMG" ) ? wrapper : el;
distance = animate[ size ]();
if ( show ) {
animate.css( size, 0 );
animate.css( position, distance / 2 );
animation[ size ] = show ? distance : 0;
animation[ position ] = show ? 0 : distance / 2;
animate.animate( animation, {
queue: false,
duration: o.duration,
easing: o.easing,
complete: function() {
if ( !show ) {
$.effects.restore( el, props );
$.effects.removeWrapper( el );
(function( $, undefined ) {
$.effects.effect.drop = function( o, done ) {
var el = $( this ),
props = [ "position", "top", "bottom", "left", "right", "opacity", "height", "width" ],
mode = $.effects.setMode( el, o.mode || "hide" ),
show = mode === "show",
direction = o.direction || "left",
ref = ( direction === "up" || direction === "down" ) ? "top" : "left",
motion = ( direction === "up" || direction === "left" ) ? "pos" : "neg",
animation = {
opacity: show ? 1 : 0
$.effects.save( el, props );
$.effects.createWrapper( el );
distance = o.distance || el[ ref === "top" ? "outerHeight": "outerWidth" ]( true ) / 2;
if ( show ) {
.css( "opacity", 0 )
.css( ref, motion === "pos" ? -distance : distance );
animation[ ref ] = ( show ?
( motion === "pos" ? "+=" : "-=" ) :
( motion === "pos" ? "-=" : "+=" ) ) +
el.animate( animation, {
queue: false,
duration: o.duration,
easing: o.easing,
complete: function() {
if ( mode === "hide" ) {
$.effects.restore( el, props );
$.effects.removeWrapper( el );
(function( $, undefined ) {
$.effects.effect.explode = function( o, done ) {
var rows = o.pieces ? Math.round( Math.sqrt( o.pieces ) ) : 3,
cells = rows,
el = $( this ),
mode = $.effects.setMode( el, o.mode || "hide" ),
show = mode === "show",
offset = el.show().css( "visibility", "hidden" ).offset(),
width = Math.ceil( el.outerWidth() / cells ),
height = Math.ceil( el.outerHeight() / rows ),
pieces = [],
i, j, left, top, mx, my;
function childComplete() {
pieces.push( this );
if ( pieces.length === rows * cells ) {
for( i = 0; i < rows ; i++ ) { // ===>
top = offset.top + i * height;
my = i - ( rows - 1 ) / 2 ;
for( j = 0; j < cells ; j++ ) { // |||
left = offset.left + j * width;
mx = j - ( cells - 1 ) / 2 ;
.appendTo( "body" )
.wrap( "
" )
position: "absolute",
visibility: "visible",
left: -j * width,
top: -i * height
.addClass( "ui-effects-explode" )
position: "absolute",
overflow: "hidden",
width: width,
height: height,
left: left + ( show ? mx * width : 0 ),
top: top + ( show ? my * height : 0 ),
opacity: show ? 0 : 1
left: left + ( show ? 0 : mx * width ),
top: top + ( show ? 0 : my * height ),
opacity: show ? 1 : 0
}, o.duration || 500, o.easing, childComplete );
function animComplete() {
visibility: "visible"
$( pieces ).remove();
if ( !show ) {
(function( $, undefined ) {
$.effects.effect.fade = function( o, done ) {
var el = $( this ),
mode = $.effects.setMode( el, o.mode || "toggle" );
opacity: mode
}, {
queue: false,
duration: o.duration,
easing: o.easing,
complete: done
})( jQuery );
(function( $, undefined ) {
$.effects.effect.fold = function( o, done ) {
var el = $( this ),
props = [ "position", "top", "bottom", "left", "right", "height", "width" ],
mode = $.effects.setMode( el, o.mode || "hide" ),
show = mode === "show",
hide = mode === "hide",
size = o.size || 15,
percent = /([0-9]+)%/.exec( size ),
horizFirst = !!o.horizFirst,
widthFirst = show !== horizFirst,
ref = widthFirst ? [ "width", "height" ] : [ "height", "width" ],
duration = o.duration / 2,
wrapper, distance,
animation1 = {},
animation2 = {};
$.effects.save( el, props );
wrapper = $.effects.createWrapper( el ).css({
overflow: "hidden"
distance = widthFirst ?
[ wrapper.width(), wrapper.height() ] :
[ wrapper.height(), wrapper.width() ];
if ( percent ) {
size = parseInt( percent[ 1 ], 10 ) / 100 * distance[ hide ? 0 : 1 ];
if ( show ) {
wrapper.css( horizFirst ? {
height: 0,
width: size
} : {
height: size,
width: 0
animation1[ ref[ 0 ] ] = show ? distance[ 0 ] : size;
animation2[ ref[ 1 ] ] = show ? distance[ 1 ] : 0;
.animate( animation1, duration, o.easing )
.animate( animation2, duration, o.easing, function() {
if ( hide ) {
$.effects.restore( el, props );
$.effects.removeWrapper( el );
(function( $, undefined ) {
$.effects.effect.highlight = function( o, done ) {
var elem = $( this ),
props = [ "backgroundImage", "backgroundColor", "opacity" ],
mode = $.effects.setMode( elem, o.mode || "show" ),
animation = {
backgroundColor: elem.css( "backgroundColor" )
if (mode === "hide") {
animation.opacity = 0;
$.effects.save( elem, props );
backgroundImage: "none",
backgroundColor: o.color || "#ffff99"
.animate( animation, {
queue: false,
duration: o.duration,
easing: o.easing,
complete: function() {
if ( mode === "hide" ) {
$.effects.restore( elem, props );
(function( $, undefined ) {
$.effects.effect.pulsate = function( o, done ) {
var elem = $( this ),
mode = $.effects.setMode( elem, o.mode || "show" ),
show = mode === "show",
hide = mode === "hide",
showhide = ( show || mode === "hide" ),
anims = ( ( o.times || 5 ) * 2 ) + ( showhide ? 1 : 0 ),
duration = o.duration / anims,
animateTo = 0,
queue = elem.queue(),
queuelen = queue.length,
if ( show || !elem.is(":visible")) {
elem.css( "opacity", 0 ).show();
animateTo = 1;
for ( i = 1; i < anims; i++ ) {
opacity: animateTo
}, duration, o.easing );
animateTo = 1 - animateTo;
opacity: animateTo
}, duration, o.easing);
elem.queue(function() {
if ( hide ) {
if ( queuelen > 1 ) {
queue.splice.apply( queue,
[ 1, 0 ].concat( queue.splice( queuelen, anims + 1 ) ) );
(function( $, undefined ) {
$.effects.effect.puff = function( o, done ) {
var elem = $( this ),
mode = $.effects.setMode( elem, o.mode || "hide" ),
hide = mode === "hide",
percent = parseInt( o.percent, 10 ) || 150,
factor = percent / 100,
original = {
height: elem.height(),
width: elem.width(),
outerHeight: elem.outerHeight(),
outerWidth: elem.outerWidth()
$.extend( o, {
effect: "scale",
queue: false,
fade: true,
mode: mode,
complete: done,
percent: hide ? percent : 100,
from: hide ?
original :
height: original.height * factor,
width: original.width * factor,
outerHeight: original.outerHeight * factor,
outerWidth: original.outerWidth * factor
elem.effect( o );
$.effects.effect.scale = function( o, done ) {
var el = $( this ),
options = $.extend( true, {}, o ),
mode = $.effects.setMode( el, o.mode || "effect" ),
percent = parseInt( o.percent, 10 ) ||
( parseInt( o.percent, 10 ) === 0 ? 0 : ( mode === "hide" ? 0 : 100 ) ),
direction = o.direction || "both",
origin = o.origin,
original = {
height: el.height(),
width: el.width(),
outerHeight: el.outerHeight(),
outerWidth: el.outerWidth()
factor = {
y: direction !== "horizontal" ? (percent / 100) : 1,
x: direction !== "vertical" ? (percent / 100) : 1
options.effect = "size";
options.queue = false;
options.complete = done;
if ( mode !== "effect" ) {
options.origin = origin || ["middle","center"];
options.restore = true;
options.from = o.from || ( mode === "show" ? {
height: 0,
width: 0,
outerHeight: 0,
outerWidth: 0
} : original );
options.to = {
height: original.height * factor.y,
width: original.width * factor.x,
outerHeight: original.outerHeight * factor.y,
outerWidth: original.outerWidth * factor.x
if ( options.fade ) {
if ( mode === "show" ) {
options.from.opacity = 0;
options.to.opacity = 1;
if ( mode === "hide" ) {
options.from.opacity = 1;
options.to.opacity = 0;
el.effect( options );
$.effects.effect.size = function( o, done ) {
var original, baseline, factor,
el = $( this ),
props0 = [ "position", "top", "bottom", "left", "right", "width", "height", "overflow", "opacity" ],
props1 = [ "position", "top", "bottom", "left", "right", "overflow", "opacity" ],
props2 = [ "width", "height", "overflow" ],
cProps = [ "fontSize" ],
vProps = [ "borderTopWidth", "borderBottomWidth", "paddingTop", "paddingBottom" ],
hProps = [ "borderLeftWidth", "borderRightWidth", "paddingLeft", "paddingRight" ],
mode = $.effects.setMode( el, o.mode || "effect" ),
restore = o.restore || mode !== "effect",
scale = o.scale || "both",
origin = o.origin || [ "middle", "center" ],
position = el.css( "position" ),
props = restore ? props0 : props1,
zero = {
height: 0,
width: 0,
outerHeight: 0,
outerWidth: 0
if ( mode === "show" ) {
original = {
height: el.height(),
width: el.width(),
outerHeight: el.outerHeight(),
outerWidth: el.outerWidth()
if ( o.mode === "toggle" && mode === "show" ) {
el.from = o.to || zero;
el.to = o.from || original;
} else {
el.from = o.from || ( mode === "show" ? zero : original );
el.to = o.to || ( mode === "hide" ? zero : original );
factor = {
from: {
y: el.from.height / original.height,
x: el.from.width / original.width
to: {
y: el.to.height / original.height,
x: el.to.width / original.width
if ( scale === "box" || scale === "both" ) {
if ( factor.from.y !== factor.to.y ) {
props = props.concat( vProps );
el.from = $.effects.setTransition( el, vProps, factor.from.y, el.from );
el.to = $.effects.setTransition( el, vProps, factor.to.y, el.to );
if ( factor.from.x !== factor.to.x ) {
props = props.concat( hProps );
el.from = $.effects.setTransition( el, hProps, factor.from.x, el.from );
el.to = $.effects.setTransition( el, hProps, factor.to.x, el.to );
if ( scale === "content" || scale === "both" ) {
if ( factor.from.y !== factor.to.y ) {
props = props.concat( cProps ).concat( props2 );
el.from = $.effects.setTransition( el, cProps, factor.from.y, el.from );
el.to = $.effects.setTransition( el, cProps, factor.to.y, el.to );
$.effects.save( el, props );
$.effects.createWrapper( el );
el.css( "overflow", "hidden" ).css( el.from );
if (origin) { // Calculate baseline shifts
baseline = $.effects.getBaseline( origin, original );
el.from.top = ( original.outerHeight - el.outerHeight() ) * baseline.y;
el.from.left = ( original.outerWidth - el.outerWidth() ) * baseline.x;
el.to.top = ( original.outerHeight - el.to.outerHeight ) * baseline.y;
el.to.left = ( original.outerWidth - el.to.outerWidth ) * baseline.x;
el.css( el.from ); // set top & left
if ( scale === "content" || scale === "both" ) { // Scale the children
vProps = vProps.concat([ "marginTop", "marginBottom" ]).concat(cProps);
hProps = hProps.concat([ "marginLeft", "marginRight" ]);
props2 = props0.concat(vProps).concat(hProps);
el.find( "*[width]" ).each( function(){
var child = $( this ),
c_original = {
height: child.height(),
width: child.width(),
outerHeight: child.outerHeight(),
outerWidth: child.outerWidth()
if (restore) {
$.effects.save(child, props2);
child.from = {
height: c_original.height * factor.from.y,
width: c_original.width * factor.from.x,
outerHeight: c_original.outerHeight * factor.from.y,
outerWidth: c_original.outerWidth * factor.from.x
child.to = {
height: c_original.height * factor.to.y,
width: c_original.width * factor.to.x,
outerHeight: c_original.height * factor.to.y,
outerWidth: c_original.width * factor.to.x
if ( factor.from.y !== factor.to.y ) {
child.from = $.effects.setTransition( child, vProps, factor.from.y, child.from );
child.to = $.effects.setTransition( child, vProps, factor.to.y, child.to );
if ( factor.from.x !== factor.to.x ) {
child.from = $.effects.setTransition( child, hProps, factor.from.x, child.from );
child.to = $.effects.setTransition( child, hProps, factor.to.x, child.to );
child.css( child.from );
child.animate( child.to, o.duration, o.easing, function() {
if ( restore ) {
$.effects.restore( child, props2 );
el.animate( el.to, {
queue: false,
duration: o.duration,
easing: o.easing,
complete: function() {
if ( el.to.opacity === 0 ) {
el.css( "opacity", el.from.opacity );
if( mode === "hide" ) {
$.effects.restore( el, props );
if ( !restore ) {
if ( position === "static" ) {
position: "relative",
top: el.to.top,
left: el.to.left
} else {
$.each([ "top", "left" ], function( idx, pos ) {
el.css( pos, function( _, str ) {
var val = parseInt( str, 10 ),
toRef = idx ? el.to.left : el.to.top;
if ( str === "auto" ) {
return toRef + "px";
return val + toRef + "px";
$.effects.removeWrapper( el );
(function( $, undefined ) {
$.effects.effect.shake = function( o, done ) {
var el = $( this ),
props = [ "position", "top", "bottom", "left", "right", "height", "width" ],
mode = $.effects.setMode( el, o.mode || "effect" ),
direction = o.direction || "left",
distance = o.distance || 20,
times = o.times || 3,
anims = times * 2 + 1,
speed = Math.round(o.duration/anims),
ref = (direction === "up" || direction === "down") ? "top" : "left",
positiveMotion = (direction === "up" || direction === "left"),
animation = {},
animation1 = {},
animation2 = {},
queue = el.queue(),
queuelen = queue.length;
$.effects.save( el, props );
$.effects.createWrapper( el );
animation[ ref ] = ( positiveMotion ? "-=" : "+=" ) + distance;
animation1[ ref ] = ( positiveMotion ? "+=" : "-=" ) + distance * 2;
animation2[ ref ] = ( positiveMotion ? "-=" : "+=" ) + distance * 2;
el.animate( animation, speed, o.easing );
for ( i = 1; i < times; i++ ) {
el.animate( animation1, speed, o.easing ).animate( animation2, speed, o.easing );
.animate( animation1, speed, o.easing )
.animate( animation, speed / 2, o.easing )
.queue(function() {
if ( mode === "hide" ) {
$.effects.restore( el, props );
$.effects.removeWrapper( el );
if ( queuelen > 1) {
queue.splice.apply( queue,
[ 1, 0 ].concat( queue.splice( queuelen, anims + 1 ) ) );
(function( $, undefined ) {
$.effects.effect.slide = function( o, done ) {
var el = $( this ),
props = [ "position", "top", "bottom", "left", "right", "width", "height" ],
mode = $.effects.setMode( el, o.mode || "show" ),
show = mode === "show",
direction = o.direction || "left",
ref = (direction === "up" || direction === "down") ? "top" : "left",
positiveMotion = (direction === "up" || direction === "left"),
animation = {};
$.effects.save( el, props );
distance = o.distance || el[ ref === "top" ? "outerHeight" : "outerWidth" ]( true );
$.effects.createWrapper( el ).css({
overflow: "hidden"
if ( show ) {
el.css( ref, positiveMotion ? (isNaN(distance) ? "-" + distance : -distance) : distance );
animation[ ref ] = ( show ?
( positiveMotion ? "+=" : "-=") :
( positiveMotion ? "-=" : "+=")) +
el.animate( animation, {
queue: false,
duration: o.duration,
easing: o.easing,
complete: function() {
if ( mode === "hide" ) {
$.effects.restore( el, props );
$.effects.removeWrapper( el );
(function( $, undefined ) {
$.effects.effect.transfer = function( o, done ) {
var elem = $( this ),
target = $( o.to ),
targetFixed = target.css( "position" ) === "fixed",
body = $("body"),
fixTop = targetFixed ? body.scrollTop() : 0,
fixLeft = targetFixed ? body.scrollLeft() : 0,
endPosition = target.offset(),
animation = {
top: endPosition.top - fixTop ,
left: endPosition.left - fixLeft ,
height: target.innerHeight(),
width: target.innerWidth()
startPosition = elem.offset(),
transfer = $( "
" )
.appendTo( document.body )
.addClass( o.className )
top: startPosition.top - fixTop ,
left: startPosition.left - fixLeft ,
height: elem.innerHeight(),
width: elem.innerWidth(),
position: targetFixed ? "fixed" : "absolute"
.animate( animation, o.duration, o.easing, function() {
// /Scripts/jquery.simulate.js
* jquery.simulate - simulate browser mouse and keyboard events
* http://jqueryui.com
* Copyright 2012 jQuery Foundation and other contributors
* Released under the MIT license.
* http://jquery.org/license
; (function ($) {
var rkeyEvent = /^key/,
rmouseEvent = /^(?:mouse|contextmenu)|click/;
$.fn.simulate = function (type, options) {
return this.each(function () {
new $.simulate(this, type, options);
$.simulate = function (elem, type, options) {
var method = $.camelCase("simulate-" + type);
this.target = elem;
this.options = options;
if (this[method]) {
} else {
this.simulateEvent(elem, type, options);
$.extend($.simulate.prototype, {
simulateEvent: function (elem, type, options) {
var event = this.createEvent(type, options);
this.dispatchEvent(elem, type, event, options);
createEvent: function (type, options) {
if (rkeyEvent.test(type)) {
return this.keyEvent(type, options);
if (rmouseEvent.test(type)) {
return this.mouseEvent(type, options);
mouseEvent: function (type, options) {
var event, eventDoc, doc, body;
options = $.extend({
bubbles: true,
cancelable: (type !== "mousemove"),
view: window,
detail: 0,
screenX: 0,
screenY: 0,
clientX: 1,
clientY: 1,
ctrlKey: false,
altKey: false,
shiftKey: false,
metaKey: false,
button: 0,
relatedTarget: undefined
}, options);
if (document.createEvent) {
event = document.createEvent("MouseEvents");
event.initMouseEvent(type, options.bubbles, options.cancelable,
options.view, options.detail,
options.screenX, options.screenY, options.clientX, options.clientY,
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c=a.ui.rangeSlider.prototype.option.apply(this,arguments);return{min:new Date(c.min),max:new Date(c.max)}}return a.ui.rangeSlider.prototype.option.apply(this,this._toArray(arguments))},_defaultFormatter:function(a){var b=a.getMonth()+1,c=a.getDate();return""+a.getFullYear()+"-"+(10>b?"0"+b:b)+"-"+(10>c?"0"+c:c)},_getFormatter:function(){var a=this.options.formatter;return(this.options.formatter===!1||null===this.options.formatter)&&(a=this._defaultFormatter),function(a){return function(b){return a(new Date(b))}}(a)},values:function(b,c){var d=null;return d=this._isValidDate(b)&&this._isValidDate(c)?a.ui.rangeSlider.prototype.values.apply(this,[b.valueOf(),c.valueOf()]):a.ui.rangeSlider.prototype.values.apply(this,this._toArray(arguments)),{min:new Date(d.min),max:new Date(d.max)}},min:function(b){return this._isValidDate(b)?new Date(a.ui.rangeSlider.prototype.min.apply(this,[b.valueOf()])):new Date(a.ui.rangeSlider.prototype.min.apply(this))},max:function(b){return this._isValidDate(b)?new Date(a.ui.rangeSlider.prototype.max.apply(this,[b.valueOf()])):new Date(a.ui.rangeSlider.prototype.max.apply(this))},bounds:function(b,c){var d;return d=this._isValidDate(b)&&this._isValidDate(c)?a.ui.rangeSlider.prototype.bounds.apply(this,[b.valueOf(),c.valueOf()]):a.ui.rangeSlider.prototype.bounds.apply(this,this._toArray(arguments)),{min:new Date(d.min),max:new Date(d.max)}},_isValidDate:function(a){return"undefined"!=typeof a&&a instanceof Date},_toArray:function(a){return Array.prototype.slice.call(a)}})}(jQuery),function(a){"use strict";a.widget("ui.dateRangeSliderHandle",a.ui.rangeSliderHandle,{_steps:!1,_boundsValues:{},_create:function(){this._createBoundsValues(),a.ui.rangeSliderHandle.prototype._create.apply(this)},_getValueForPosition:function(a){var b=this._getRawValueForPositionAndBounds(a,this.options.bounds.min.valueOf(),this.options.bounds.max.valueOf());return this._constraintValue(new Date(b))},_setOption:function(b,c){return"step"===b?(this.options.step=c,this._createSteps(),this.update(),void 0):(a.ui.rangeSliderHandle.prototype._setOption.apply(this,[b,c]),"bounds"===b&&this._createBoundsValues(),void 0)},_createBoundsValues:function(){this._boundsValues={min:this.options.bounds.min.valueOf(),max:this.options.bounds.max.valueOf()}},_bounds:function(){return this._boundsValues},_createSteps:function(){if(this.options.step===!1||!this._isValidStep())return this._steps=!1,void 0;var a=new Date(this.options.bounds.min),b=new Date(this.options.bounds.max),c=a,d=0,e=new Date;for(this._steps=[];b>=c&&(1===d||e.valueOf()!==c.valueOf());)e=c,this._steps.push(c.valueOf()),c=this._addStep(a,d,this.options.step),d++;e.valueOf()===c.valueOf()&&(this._steps=!1)},_isValidStep:function(){return"object"==typeof this.options.step},_addStep:function(a,b,c){var d=new Date(a.valueOf());return d=this._addThing(d,"FullYear",b,c.years),d=this._addThing(d,"Month",b,c.months),d=this._addThing(d,"Date",b,7*c.weeks),d=this._addThing(d,"Date",b,c.days),d=this._addThing(d,"Hours",b,c.hours),d=this._addThing(d,"Minutes",b,c.minutes),d=this._addThing(d,"Seconds",b,c.seconds)},_addThing:function(a,b,c,d){return 0===c||0===(d||0)?a:(a["set"+b](a["get"+b]()+c*(d||0)),a)},_round:function(a){if(this._steps===!1)return a;for(var b,c,d=this.options.bounds.max.valueOf(),e=this.options.bounds.min.valueOf(),f=Math.max(0,(a-e)/(d-e)),g=Math.floor(this._steps.length*f);this._steps[g]>a;)g--;for(;g+1=this._steps.length-1?this._steps[this._steps.length-1]:0===g?this._steps[0]:(b=this._steps[g],c=this._steps[g+1],c-a>a-b?b:c)},update:function(){this._createBoundsValues(),this._createSteps(),a.ui.rangeSliderHandle.prototype.update.apply(this)},add:function(a,b){return this._addStep(new Date(a),1,b).valueOf()},substract:function(a,b){return this._addStep(new Date(a),-1,b).valueOf()},stepsBetween:function(a,b){if(this.options.step===!1)return b-a;var c=Math.min(a,b),d=Math.max(a,b),e=0,f=!1,g=a>b;for(this.add(c,this.options.step)-c<0&&(f=!0);d>c;)f?d=this.add(d,this.options.step):c=this.add(c,this.options.step),e++;return g?-e:e},multiplyStep:function(a,b){var c={};for(var d in a)a.hasOwnProperty(d)&&(c[d]=a[d]*b);return c},stepRatio:function(){if(this.options.step===!1)return 1;var a=this._steps.length;return this.cache.parent.width/a}})}(jQuery),function(a){"use strict";a.widget("ui.editRangeSlider",a.ui.rangeSlider,{options:{type:"text",round:1},_create:function(){a.ui.rangeSlider.prototype._create.apply(this),this.element.addClass("ui-editRangeSlider")},destroy:function(){this.element.removeClass("ui-editRangeSlider"),a.ui.rangeSlider.prototype.destroy.apply(this)},_setOption:function(b,c){("type"===b||"step"===b)&&this._setLabelOption(b,c),"type"===b&&(this.options[b]=null===this.labels.left?c:this._leftLabel("option",b)),a.ui.rangeSlider.prototype._setOption.apply(this,[b,c])},_setLabelOption:function(a,b){null!==this.labels.left&&(this._leftLabel("option",a,b),this._rightLabel("option",a,b))},_labelType:function(){return"editRangeSliderLabel"},_createLabel:function(b,c){var d=a.ui.rangeSlider.prototype._createLabel.apply(this,[b,c]);return null===b&&d.bind("valueChange",a.proxy(this._onValueChange,this)),d},_addPropertiesToParameter:function(a){return a.type=this.options.type,a.step=this.options.step,a.id=this.element.attr("id"),a},_getLabelConstructorParameters:function(b,c){var d=a.ui.rangeSlider.prototype._getLabelConstructorParameters.apply(this,[b,c]);return this._addPropertiesToParameter(d)},_getLabelRefreshParameters:function(b,c){var d=a.ui.rangeSlider.prototype._getLabelRefreshParameters.apply(this,[b,c]);return this._addPropertiesToParameter(d)},_onValueChange:function(a,b){var c=!1;c=b.isLeft?this._values.min!==this.min(b.value):this._values.max!==this.max(b.value),c&&this._trigger("userValuesChanged")}})}(jQuery),function(a){"use strict";a.widget("ui.editRangeSliderLabel",a.ui.rangeSliderLabel,{options:{type:"text",step:!1,id:""},_input:null,_text:"",_create:function(){a.ui.rangeSliderLabel.prototype._create.apply(this),this._createInput()},_setOption:function(b,c){"type"===b?this._setTypeOption(c):"step"===b&&this._setStepOption(c),a.ui.rangeSliderLabel.prototype._setOption.apply(this,[b,c])},_createInput:function(){this._input=a(" ").addClass("ui-editRangeSlider-inputValue").appendTo(this._valueContainer),this._setInputName(),this._input.bind("keyup",a.proxy(this._onKeyUp,this)),this._input.blur(a.proxy(this._onChange,this)),"number"===this.options.type&&(this.options.step!==!1&&this._input.attr("step",this.options.step),this._input.click(a.proxy(this._onChange,this))),this._input.val(this._text)},_setInputName:function(){var a=this.options.isLeft?"left":"right";this._input.attr("name",this.options.id+a)},_onSwitch:function(b,c){a.ui.rangeSliderLabel.prototype._onSwitch.apply(this,[b,c]),this._setInputName()},_destroyInput:function(){this._input.remove(),this._input=null},_onKeyUp:function(a){return 13===a.which?(this._onChange(a),!1):void 0},_onChange:function(){var a=this._returnCheckedValue(this._input.val());a!==!1&&this._triggerValue(a)},_triggerValue:function(a){var b=this.options.handle[this.options.handleType]("option","isLeft");this.element.trigger("valueChange",[{isLeft:b,value:a}])},_returnCheckedValue:function(a){var b=parseFloat(a);return isNaN(b)||isNaN(Number(a))?!1:b},_setTypeOption:function(a){"text"!==a&&"number"!==a||this.options.type===a||(this._destroyInput(),this.options.type=a,this._createInput())},_setStepOption:function(a){this.options.step=a,"number"===this.options.type&&this._input.attr("step",a!==!1?a:"any")},_displayText:function(a){this._input.val(a),this._text=a},enable:function(){a.ui.rangeSliderLabel.prototype.enable.apply(this),this._input.attr("disabled",null)},disable:function(){a.ui.rangeSliderLabel.prototype.disable.apply(this),this._input.attr("disabled","disabled")}})}(jQuery);
// /Scripts/jQueryWidgetExtensions.ts
$.Widget.prototype.destroy = function () {
if ($.ui.version !== '1.10.3')
throw new Error('jQueryWidgetExtensions.js has not been modified for jQuery UI version {0}'.format($.ui.version));
if (instanceOf(this._destroy, Function))
.removeClass(this.widgetFullName + "-disabled ui-state-disabled");
// /Scripts/jPicker/jpicker-1.1.6.js
* jPicker 1.1.6
* jQuery Plugin for Photoshop style color picker
* Copyright (c) 2010 Christopher T. Tillman
* Digital Magic Productions, Inc. (http://www.digitalmagicpro.com/)
* MIT style license, FREE to use, alter, copy, sell, and especially ENHANCE
* Painstakingly ported from John Dyers' excellent work on his own color picker based on the Prototype framework.
* John Dyers' website: (http://johndyer.name)
* Color Picker page: (http://johndyer.name/post/2007/09/PhotoShop-like-JavaScript-Color-Picker.aspx)
(function($, version)
Math.precision = function(value, precision)
if (precision === undefined) precision = 0;
return Math.round(value * Math.pow(10, precision)) / Math.pow(10, precision);
var Slider = // encapsulate slider functionality for the ColorMap and ColorBar - could be useful to use a jQuery UI draggable for this with certain extensions
function(bar, options)
var $this = this, // private properties, methods, and events - keep these variables and classes invisible to outside code
arrow = bar.find('img:first'), // the arrow image to drag
minX = 0,
maxX = 100,
rangeX = 100,
minY = 0,
maxY = 100,
rangeY = 100,
x = 0,
y = 0,
changeEvents = new Array(),
fireChangeEvents =
for (var i = 0; i < changeEvents.length; i++) changeEvents[i].call($this, $this, context);
mouseDown = // bind the mousedown to the bar not the arrow for quick snapping to the clicked location
var off = bar.offset();
offset = { l: off.left | 0, t: off.top | 0 };
timeout = setTimeout( // using setTimeout for visual updates - once the style is updated the browser will re-render internally allowing the next Javascript to run
setValuesFromMousePosition.call($this, e);
}, 0);
$(document).bind('mousemove', mouseMove).bind('mouseup', mouseUp);
e.preventDefault(); // don't try to select anything or drag the image to the desktop
mouseMove = // set the values as the mouse moves
timeout = setTimeout(
setValuesFromMousePosition.call($this, e);
}, 0);
return false;
mouseUp = // unbind the document events - they aren't needed when not dragging
$(document).unbind('mouseup', mouseUp).unbind('mousemove', mouseMove);
return false;
setValuesFromMousePosition = // calculate mouse position and set value within the current range
var locX = e.pageX - offset.l,
locY = e.pageY - offset.t,
barW = bar.w, // local copies for YUI compressor
barH = bar.h;
if (locX < 0) locX = 0;
else if (locX > barW) locX = barW;
if (locY < 0) locY = 0;
else if (locY > barH) locY = barH;
val.call($this, 'xy', { x: ((locX / barW) * rangeX) + minX, y: ((locY / barH) * rangeY) + minY });
draw =
var arrowOffsetX = 0,
arrowOffsetY = 0,
barW = bar.w,
barH = bar.h,
arrowW = arrow.w,
arrowH = arrow.h;
if (rangeX > 0) // range is greater than zero
if (x == maxX) arrowOffsetX = barW;
else arrowOffsetX = ((x / rangeX) * barW) | 0;
if (rangeY > 0) // range is greater than zero
if (y == maxY) arrowOffsetY = barH;
else arrowOffsetY = ((y / rangeY) * barH) | 0;
if (arrowW >= barW) arrowOffsetX = (barW >> 1) - (arrowW >> 1); // number >> 1 - superfast bitwise divide by two and truncate (move bits over one bit discarding lowest)
else arrowOffsetX -= arrowW >> 1;
if (arrowH >= barH) arrowOffsetY = (barH >> 1) - (arrowH >> 1);
else arrowOffsetY -= arrowH >> 1;
arrow.css({ left: arrowOffsetX + 'px', top: arrowOffsetY + 'px' });
}, 0);
val =
function(name, value, context)
var set = value !== undefined;
if (!set)
if (name === undefined || name == null) name = 'xy';
switch (name.toLowerCase())
case 'x': return x;
case 'y': return y;
case 'xy':
default: return { x: x, y: y };
if (context != null && context == $this) return;
var changed = false,
if (name == null) name = 'xy';
switch (name.toLowerCase())
case 'x':
newX = value && (value.x && value.x | 0 || value | 0) || 0;
case 'y':
newY = value && (value.y && value.y | 0 || value | 0) || 0;
case 'xy':
newX = value && value.x && value.x | 0 || 0;
newY = value && value.y && value.y | 0 || 0;
if (newX != null)
if (newX < minX) newX = minX;
else if (newX > maxX) newX = maxX;
if (x != newX)
x = newX;
changed = true;
if (newY != null)
if (newY < minY) newY = minY;
else if (newY > maxY) newY = maxY;
if (y != newY)
y = newY;
changed = true;
changed && fireChangeEvents.call($this, context || $this);
range =
function (name, value)
var set = value !== undefined;
if (!set)
if (name === undefined || name == null) name = 'all';
switch (name.toLowerCase())
case 'minx': return minX;
case 'maxx': return maxX;
case 'rangex': return { minX: minX, maxX: maxX, rangeX: rangeX };
case 'miny': return minY;
case 'maxy': return maxY;
case 'rangey': return { minY: minY, maxY: maxY, rangeY: rangeY };
case 'all':
default: return { minX: minX, maxX: maxX, rangeX: rangeX, minY: minY, maxY: maxY, rangeY: rangeY };
var changed = false,
if (name == null) name = 'all';
switch (name.toLowerCase())
case 'minx':
newMinX = value && (value.minX && value.minX | 0 || value | 0) || 0;
case 'maxx':
newMaxX = value && (value.maxX && value.maxX | 0 || value | 0) || 0;
case 'rangex':
newMinX = value && value.minX && value.minX | 0 || 0;
newMaxX = value && value.maxX && value.maxX | 0 || 0;
case 'miny':
newMinY = value && (value.minY && value.minY | 0 || value | 0) || 0;
case 'maxy':
newMaxY = value && (value.maxY && value.maxY | 0 || value | 0) || 0;
case 'rangey':
newMinY = value && value.minY && value.minY | 0 || 0;
newMaxY = value && value.maxY && value.maxY | 0 || 0;
case 'all':
newMinX = value && value.minX && value.minX | 0 || 0;
newMaxX = value && value.maxX && value.maxX | 0 || 0;
newMinY = value && value.minY && value.minY | 0 || 0;
newMaxY = value && value.maxY && value.maxY | 0 || 0;
if (newMinX != null && minX != newMinX)
minX = newMinX;
rangeX = maxX - minX;
if (newMaxX != null && maxX != newMaxX)
maxX = newMaxX;
rangeX = maxX - minX;
if (newMinY != null && minY != newMinY)
minY = newMinY;
rangeY = maxY - minY;
if (newMaxY != null && maxY != newMaxY)
maxY = newMaxY;
rangeY = maxY - minY;
bind =
function (callback)
if ($.isFunction(callback)) changeEvents.push(callback);
unbind =
function (callback)
if (!$.isFunction(callback)) return;
var i;
while ((i = $.inArray(callback, changeEvents)) != -1) changeEvents.splice(i, 1);
destroy =
$(document).unbind('mouseup', mouseUp).unbind('mousemove', mouseMove);
bar.unbind('mousedown', mouseDown);
bar = null;
arrow = null;
changeEvents = null;
$.extend(true, $this, // public properties, methods, and event bindings - these we need to access from other controls
val: val,
range: range,
bind: bind,
unbind: unbind,
destroy: destroy
arrow.src = options.arrow && options.arrow.image;
arrow.w = options.arrow && options.arrow.width || arrow.width();
arrow.h = options.arrow && options.arrow.height || arrow.height();
bar.w = options.map && options.map.width || bar.width();
bar.h = options.map && options.map.height || bar.height();
bar.bind('mousedown', mouseDown);
bind.call($this, draw);
ColorValuePicker = // controls for all the input elements for the typing in color values
function(picker, color, bindedHex, alphaPrecision)
var $this = this, // private properties and methods
inputs = picker.find('td.Text input'),
red = inputs.eq(3),
green = inputs.eq(4),
blue = inputs.eq(5),
alpha = inputs.length > 7 ? inputs.eq(6) : null,
hue = inputs.eq(0),
saturation = inputs.eq(1),
value = inputs.eq(2),
hex = inputs.eq(inputs.length > 7 ? 7 : 6),
ahex = inputs.length > 7 ? inputs.eq(8) : null,
keyDown = // input box key down - use arrows to alter color
if (e.target.value == '' && e.target != hex.get(0) && (bindedHex != null && e.target != bindedHex.get(0) || bindedHex == null)) return;
if (!validateKey(e)) return e;
switch (e.target)
case red.get(0):
switch (e.keyCode)
case 38:
red.val(setValueInRange.call($this, (red.val() << 0) + 1, 0, 255));
color.val('r', red.val(), e.target);
return false;
case 40:
red.val(setValueInRange.call($this, (red.val() << 0) - 1, 0, 255));
color.val('r', red.val(), e.target);
return false;
case green.get(0):
switch (e.keyCode)
case 38:
green.val(setValueInRange.call($this, (green.val() << 0) + 1, 0, 255));
color.val('g', green.val(), e.target);
return false;
case 40:
green.val(setValueInRange.call($this, (green.val() << 0) - 1, 0, 255));
color.val('g', green.val(), e.target);
return false;
case blue.get(0):
switch (e.keyCode)
case 38:
blue.val(setValueInRange.call($this, (blue.val() << 0) + 1, 0, 255));
color.val('b', blue.val(), e.target);
return false;
case 40:
blue.val(setValueInRange.call($this, (blue.val() << 0) - 1, 0, 255));
color.val('b', blue.val(), e.target);
return false;
case alpha && alpha.get(0):
switch (e.keyCode)
case 38:
alpha.val(setValueInRange.call($this, parseFloat(alpha.val()) + 1, 0, 100));
color.val('a', Math.precision((alpha.val() * 255) / 100, alphaPrecision), e.target);
return false;
case 40:
alpha.val(setValueInRange.call($this, parseFloat(alpha.val()) - 1, 0, 100));
color.val('a', Math.precision((alpha.val() * 255) / 100, alphaPrecision), e.target);
return false;
case hue.get(0):
switch (e.keyCode)
case 38:
hue.val(setValueInRange.call($this, (hue.val() << 0) + 1, 0, 360));
color.val('h', hue.val(), e.target);
return false;
case 40:
hue.val(setValueInRange.call($this, (hue.val() << 0) - 1, 0, 360));
color.val('h', hue.val(), e.target);
return false;
case saturation.get(0):
switch (e.keyCode)
case 38:
saturation.val(setValueInRange.call($this, (saturation.val() << 0) + 1, 0, 100));
color.val('s', saturation.val(), e.target);
return false;
case 40:
saturation.val(setValueInRange.call($this, (saturation.val() << 0) - 1, 0, 100));
color.val('s', saturation.val(), e.target);
return false;
case value.get(0):
switch (e.keyCode)
case 38:
value.val(setValueInRange.call($this, (value.val() << 0) + 1, 0, 100));
color.val('v', value.val(), e.target);
return false;
case 40:
value.val(setValueInRange.call($this, (value.val() << 0) - 1, 0, 100));
color.val('v', value.val(), e.target);
return false;
keyUp = // input box key up - validate value and set color
if (e.target.value == '' && e.target != hex.get(0) && (bindedHex != null && e.target != bindedHex.get(0) || bindedHex == null)) return;
if (!validateKey(e)) return e;
switch (e.target)
case red.get(0):
red.val(setValueInRange.call($this, red.val(), 0, 255));
color.val('r', red.val(), e.target);
case green.get(0):
green.val(setValueInRange.call($this, green.val(), 0, 255));
color.val('g', green.val(), e.target);
case blue.get(0):
blue.val(setValueInRange.call($this, blue.val(), 0, 255));
color.val('b', blue.val(), e.target);
case alpha && alpha.get(0):
alpha.val(setValueInRange.call($this, alpha.val(), 0, 100));
color.val('a', Math.precision((alpha.val() * 255) / 100, alphaPrecision), e.target);
case hue.get(0):
hue.val(setValueInRange.call($this, hue.val(), 0, 360));
color.val('h', hue.val(), e.target);
case saturation.get(0):
saturation.val(setValueInRange.call($this, saturation.val(), 0, 100));
color.val('s', saturation.val(), e.target);
case value.get(0):
value.val(setValueInRange.call($this, value.val(), 0, 100));
color.val('v', value.val(), e.target);
case hex.get(0):
hex.val(hex.val().replace(/[^a-fA-F0-9]/g, '').toLowerCase().substring(0, 6));
bindedHex && bindedHex.val(hex.val());
color.val('hex', hex.val() != '' ? hex.val() : null, e.target);
case bindedHex && bindedHex.get(0):
bindedHex.val(bindedHex.val().replace(/[^a-fA-F0-9]/g, '').toLowerCase().substring(0, 6));
color.val('hex', bindedHex.val() != '' ? bindedHex.val() : null, e.target);
case ahex && ahex.get(0):
ahex.val(ahex.val().replace(/[^a-fA-F0-9]/g, '').toLowerCase().substring(0, 2));
color.val('a', ahex.val() != null ? parseInt(ahex.val(), 16) : null, e.target);
blur = // input box blur - reset to original if value empty
if (color.val() != null)
switch (e.target)
case red.get(0): red.val(color.val('r')); break;
case green.get(0): green.val(color.val('g')); break;
case blue.get(0): blue.val(color.val('b')); break;
case alpha && alpha.get(0): alpha.val(Math.precision((color.val('a') * 100) / 255, alphaPrecision)); break;
case hue.get(0): hue.val(color.val('h')); break;
case saturation.get(0): saturation.val(color.val('s')); break;
case value.get(0): value.val(color.val('v')); break;
case hex.get(0):
case bindedHex && bindedHex.get(0):
bindedHex && bindedHex.val(color.val('hex'));
case ahex && ahex.get(0): ahex.val(color.val('ahex').substring(6)); break;
validateKey = // validate key
case 9:
case 16:
case 29:
case 37:
case 39:
return false;
case 'c'.charCodeAt():
case 'v'.charCodeAt():
if (e.ctrlKey) return false;
return true;
setValueInRange = // constrain value within range
function(value, min, max)
if (value == '' || isNaN(value)) return min;
if (value > max) return max;
if (value < min) return min;
return value;
colorChanged =
function(ui, context)
var all = ui.val('all');
if (context != red.get(0)) red.val(all != null ? all.r : '');
if (context != green.get(0)) green.val(all != null ? all.g : '');
if (context != blue.get(0)) blue.val(all != null ? all.b : '');
if (alpha && context != alpha.get(0)) alpha.val(all != null ? Math.precision((all.a * 100) / 255, alphaPrecision) : '');
if (context != hue.get(0)) hue.val(all != null ? all.h : '');
if (context != saturation.get(0)) saturation.val(all != null ? all.s : '');
if (context != value.get(0)) value.val(all != null ? all.v : '');
if (context != hex.get(0) && (bindedHex && context != bindedHex.get(0) || !bindedHex)) hex.val(all != null ? all.hex : '');
if (bindedHex && context != bindedHex.get(0) && context != hex.get(0)) bindedHex.val(all != null ? all.hex : '');
if (ahex && context != ahex.get(0)) ahex.val(all != null ? all.ahex.substring(6) : '');
destroy =
red.add(green).add(blue).add(alpha).add(hue).add(saturation).add(value).add(hex).add(bindedHex).add(ahex).unbind('keyup', keyUp).unbind('blur', blur);
red.add(green).add(blue).add(alpha).add(hue).add(saturation).add(value).unbind('keydown', keyDown);
red = null;
green = null;
blue = null;
alpha = null;
hue = null;
saturation = null;
value = null;
hex = null;
ahex = null;
$.extend(true, $this, // public properties and methods
destroy: destroy
red.add(green).add(blue).add(alpha).add(hue).add(saturation).add(value).add(hex).add(bindedHex).add(ahex).bind('keyup', keyUp).bind('blur', blur);
red.add(green).add(blue).add(alpha).add(hue).add(saturation).add(value).bind('keydown', keyDown);
$.jPicker =
List: [], // array holding references to each active instance of the control
Color: // color object - we will be able to assign by any color space type or retrieve any color space info
var $this = this,
changeEvents = new Array(),
fireChangeEvents =
for (var i = 0; i < changeEvents.length; i++) changeEvents[i].call($this, $this, context);
val =
function(name, value, context)
var set = value !== undefined;
if (!set)
if (name === undefined || name == null || name == '') name = 'all';
if (r == null) return null;
switch (name.toLowerCase())
case 'ahex': return ColorMethods.rgbaToHex({ r: r, g: g, b: b, a: a });
case 'hex': return val('ahex').substring(0, 6);
case 'all': return { r: r, g: g, b: b, a: a, h: h, s: s, v: v, hex: val.call($this, 'hex'), ahex: val.call($this, 'ahex') };
var ret={};
for (var i = 0; i < name.length; i++)
switch (name.charAt(i))
case 'r':
if (name.length == 1) ret = r;
else ret.r = r;
case 'g':
if (name.length == 1) ret = g;
else ret.g = g;
case 'b':
if (name.length == 1) ret = b;
else ret.b = b;
case 'a':
if (name.length == 1) ret = a;
else ret.a = a;
case 'h':
if (name.length == 1) ret = h;
else ret.h = h;
case 's':
if (name.length == 1) ret = s;
else ret.s = s;
case 'v':
if (name.length == 1) ret = v;
else ret.v = v;
return ret == {} ? val.call($this, 'all') : ret;
if (context != null && context == $this) return;
var changed = false;
if (name == null) name = '';
if (value == null)
if (r != null)
r = null;
changed = true;
if (g != null)
g = null;
changed = true;
if (b != null)
b = null;
changed = true;
if (a != null)
a = null;
changed = true;
if (h != null)
h = null;
changed = true;
if (s != null)
s = null;
changed = true;
if (v != null)
v = null;
changed = true;
changed && fireChangeEvents.call($this, context || $this);
switch (name.toLowerCase())
case 'ahex':
case 'hex':
var ret = ColorMethods.hexToRgba(value && (value.ahex || value.hex) || value || '00000000');
val.call($this, 'rgba', { r: ret.r, g: ret.g, b: ret.b, a: name == 'ahex' ? ret.a : a != null ? a : 255 }, context);
if (value && (value.ahex != null || value.hex != null))
val.call($this, 'ahex', value.ahex || value.hex || '00000000', context);
var newV = {}, rgb = false, hsv = false;
if (value.r !== undefined && !name.indexOf('r') == -1) name += 'r';
if (value.g !== undefined && !name.indexOf('g') == -1) name += 'g';
if (value.b !== undefined && !name.indexOf('b') == -1) name += 'b';
if (value.a !== undefined && !name.indexOf('a') == -1) name += 'a';
if (value.h !== undefined && !name.indexOf('h') == -1) name += 'h';
if (value.s !== undefined && !name.indexOf('s') == -1) name += 's';
if (value.v !== undefined && !name.indexOf('v') == -1) name += 'v';
for (var i = 0; i < name.length; i++)
switch (name.charAt(i))
case 'r':
if (hsv) continue;
rgb = true;
newV.r = value && value.r && value.r | 0 || value && value | 0 || 0;
if (newV.r < 0) newV.r = 0;
else if (newV.r > 255) newV.r = 255;
if (r != newV.r)
r = newV.r;
changed = true;
case 'g':
if (hsv) continue;
rgb = true;
newV.g = value && value.g && value.g | 0 || value && value | 0 || 0;
if (newV.g < 0) newV.g = 0;
else if (newV.g > 255) newV.g = 255;
if (g != newV.g)
g = newV.g;
changed = true;
case 'b':
if (hsv) continue;
rgb = true;
newV.b = value && value.b && value.b | 0 || value && value | 0 || 0;
if (newV.b < 0) newV.b = 0;
else if (newV.b > 255) newV.b = 255;
if (b != newV.b)
b = newV.b;
changed = true;
case 'a':
newV.a = value && value.a != null ? value.a | 0 : value != null ? value | 0 : 255;
if (newV.a < 0) newV.a = 0;
else if (newV.a > 255) newV.a = 255;
if (a != newV.a)
a = newV.a;
changed = true;
case 'h':
if (rgb) continue;
hsv = true;
newV.h = value && value.h && value.h | 0 || value && value | 0 || 0;
if (newV.h < 0) newV.h = 0;
else if (newV.h > 360) newV.h = 360;
if (h != newV.h)
h = newV.h;
changed = true;
case 's':
if (rgb) continue;
hsv = true;
newV.s = value && value.s != null ? value.s | 0 : value != null ? value | 0 : 100;
if (newV.s < 0) newV.s = 0;
else if (newV.s > 100) newV.s = 100;
if (s != newV.s)
s = newV.s;
changed = true;
case 'v':
if (rgb) continue;
hsv = true;
newV.v = value && value.v != null ? value.v | 0 : value != null ? value | 0 : 100;
if (newV.v < 0) newV.v = 0;
else if (newV.v > 100) newV.v = 100;
if (v != newV.v)
v = newV.v;
changed = true;
if (changed)
if (rgb)
r = r || 0;
g = g || 0;
b = b || 0;
var ret = ColorMethods.rgbToHsv({ r: r, g: g, b: b });
h = ret.h;
s = ret.s;
v = ret.v;
else if (hsv)
h = h || 0;
s = s != null ? s : 100;
v = v != null ? v : 100;
var ret = ColorMethods.hsvToRgb({ h: h, s: s, v: v });
r = ret.r;
g = ret.g;
b = ret.b;
a = a != null ? a : 255;
fireChangeEvents.call($this, context || $this);
bind =
if ($.isFunction(callback)) changeEvents.push(callback);
unbind =
if (!$.isFunction(callback)) return;
var i;
while ((i = $.inArray(callback, changeEvents)) != -1) changeEvents.splice(i, 1);
destroy =
changeEvents = null;
$.extend(true, $this, // public properties and methods
val: val,
bind: bind,
unbind: unbind,
destroy: destroy
if (init)
if (init.ahex != null) val('ahex', init);
else if (init.hex != null) val((init.a != null ? 'a' : '') + 'hex', init.a != null ? { ahex: init.hex + ColorMethods.intToHex(init.a) } : init);
else if (init.r != null && init.g != null && init.b != null) val('rgb' + (init.a != null ? 'a' : ''), init);
else if (init.h != null && init.s != null && init.v != null) val('hsv' + (init.a != null ? 'a' : ''), init);
ColorMethods: // color conversion methods - make public to give use to external scripts
hex = this.validateHex(hex);
if (hex == '') return { r: null, g: null, b: null, a: null };
var r = '00', g = '00', b = '00', a = '255';
if (hex.length == 6) hex += 'ff';
if (hex.length > 6)
r = hex.substring(0, 2);
g = hex.substring(2, 4);
b = hex.substring(4, 6);
a = hex.substring(6, hex.length);
if (hex.length > 4)
r = hex.substring(4, hex.length);
hex = hex.substring(0, 4);
if (hex.length > 2)
g = hex.substring(2, hex.length);
hex = hex.substring(0, 2);
if (hex.length > 0) b = hex.substring(0, hex.length);
return { r: this.hexToInt(r), g: this.hexToInt(g), b: this.hexToInt(b), a: this.hexToInt(a) };
hex = hex.toLowerCase().replace(/[^a-f0-9]/g, '');
if (hex.length > 8) hex = hex.substring(0, 8);
return hex;
return this.intToHex(rgba.r) + this.intToHex(rgba.g) + this.intToHex(rgba.b) + this.intToHex(rgba.a);
var result = (dec | 0).toString(16);
if (result.length == 1) result = ('0' + result);
return result.toLowerCase();
return parseInt(hex, 16);
var r = rgb.r / 255, g = rgb.g / 255, b = rgb.b / 255, hsv = { h: 0, s: 0, v: 0 }, min = 0, max = 0, delta;
if (r >= g && r >= b)
max = r;
min = g > b ? b : g;
else if (g >= b && g >= r)
max = g;
min = r > b ? b : r;
max = b;
min = g > r ? r : g;
hsv.v = max;
hsv.s = max ? (max - min) / max : 0;
if (!hsv.s) hsv.h = 0;
delta = max - min;
if (r == max) hsv.h = (g - b) / delta;
else if (g == max) hsv.h = 2 + (b - r) / delta;
else hsv.h = 4 + (r - g) / delta;
hsv.h = parseInt(hsv.h * 60);
if (hsv.h < 0) hsv.h += 360;
hsv.s = (hsv.s * 100) | 0;
hsv.v = (hsv.v * 100) | 0;
return hsv;
var rgb = { r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 100 }, h = hsv.h, s = hsv.s, v = hsv.v;
if (s == 0)
if (v == 0) rgb.r = rgb.g = rgb.b = 0;
else rgb.r = rgb.g = rgb.b = (v * 255 / 100) | 0;
if (h == 360) h = 0;
h /= 60;
s = s / 100;
v = v / 100;
var i = h | 0,
f = h - i,
p = v * (1 - s),
q = v * (1 - (s * f)),
t = v * (1 - (s * (1 - f)));
switch (i)
case 0:
rgb.r = v;
rgb.g = t;
rgb.b = p;
case 1:
rgb.r = q;
rgb.g = v;
rgb.b = p;
case 2:
rgb.r = p;
rgb.g = v;
rgb.b = t;
case 3:
rgb.r = p;
rgb.g = q;
rgb.b = v;
case 4:
rgb.r = t;
rgb.g = p;
rgb.b = v;
case 5:
rgb.r = v;
rgb.g = p;
rgb.b = q;
rgb.r = (rgb.r * 255) | 0;
rgb.g = (rgb.g * 255) | 0;
rgb.b = (rgb.b * 255) | 0;
return rgb;
var Color = $.jPicker.Color, List = $.jPicker.List, ColorMethods = $.jPicker.ColorMethods; // local copies for YUI compressor
$.fn.jPicker =
var $arguments = arguments;
return this.each(
var $this = this, settings = $.extend(true, {}, $.fn.jPicker.defaults, options); // local copies for YUI compressor
if ($($this).get(0).nodeName.toLowerCase() == 'input') // Add color picker icon if binding to an input element and bind the events to the input
$.extend(true, settings,
bindToInput: true,
expandable: true,
input: $($this)
settings.color.active = new Color({ hex: null });
settings.color.current = new Color({ hex: null });
else if (ColorMethods.validateHex($($this).val()))
settings.color.active = new Color({ hex: $($this).val(), a: settings.color.active.val('a') });
settings.color.current = new Color({ hex: $($this).val(), a: settings.color.active.val('a') });
if (settings.window.expandable)
$($this).after(' ');
else settings.window.liveUpdate = false; // Basic control binding for inline use - You will need to override the liveCallback or commitCallback function to retrieve results
var isLessThanIE7 = parseFloat(navigator.appVersion.split('MSIE')[1]) < 7 && document.body.filters, // needed to run the AlphaImageLoader function for IE6
container = null,
colorMapDiv = null,
colorBarDiv = null,
colorMapL1 = null, // different layers of colorMap and colorBar
colorMapL2 = null,
colorMapL3 = null,
colorBarL1 = null,
colorBarL2 = null,
colorBarL3 = null,
colorBarL4 = null,
colorBarL5 = null,
colorBarL6 = null,
colorMap = null, // color maps
colorBar = null,
colorPicker = null,
elementStartX = null, // Used to record the starting css positions for dragging the control
elementStartY = null,
pageStartX = null, // Used to record the mousedown coordinates for dragging the control
pageStartY = null,
activePreview = null, // color boxes above the radio buttons
currentPreview = null,
okButton = null,
cancelButton = null,
grid = null, // preset colors grid
iconColor = null, // iconColor for popup icon
iconAlpha = null, // iconAlpha for popup icon
iconImage = null, // iconImage popup icon
moveBar = null, // drag bar
setColorMode = // set color mode and update visuals for the new color mode
var active = color.active, // local copies for YUI compressor
clientPath = images.clientPath,
hex = active.val('hex'),
settings.color.mode = colorMode;
switch (colorMode)
case 'h':
setBG.call($this, colorMapDiv, 'transparent');
setImgLoc.call($this, colorMapL1, 0);
setAlpha.call($this, colorMapL1, 100);
setImgLoc.call($this, colorMapL2, 260);
setAlpha.call($this, colorMapL2, 100);
setBG.call($this, colorBarDiv, 'transparent');
setImgLoc.call($this, colorBarL1, 0);
setAlpha.call($this, colorBarL1, 100);
setImgLoc.call($this, colorBarL2, 260);
setAlpha.call($this, colorBarL2, 100);
setImgLoc.call($this, colorBarL3, 260);
setAlpha.call($this, colorBarL3, 100);
setImgLoc.call($this, colorBarL4, 260);
setAlpha.call($this, colorBarL4, 100);
setImgLoc.call($this, colorBarL6, 260);
setAlpha.call($this, colorBarL6, 100);
}, 0);
colorMap.range('all', { minX: 0, maxX: 100, minY: 0, maxY: 100 });
colorBar.range('rangeY', { minY: 0, maxY: 360 });
if (active.val('ahex') == null) break;
colorMap.val('xy', { x: active.val('s'), y: 100 - active.val('v') }, colorMap);
colorBar.val('y', 360 - active.val('h'), colorBar);
case 's':
setBG.call($this, colorMapDiv, 'transparent');
setImgLoc.call($this, colorMapL1, -260);
setImgLoc.call($this, colorMapL2, -520);
setImgLoc.call($this, colorBarL1, -260);
setImgLoc.call($this, colorBarL2, -520);
setImgLoc.call($this, colorBarL6, 260);
setAlpha.call($this, colorBarL6, 100);
}, 0);
colorMap.range('all', { minX: 0, maxX: 360, minY: 0, maxY: 100 });
colorBar.range('rangeY', { minY: 0, maxY: 100 });
if (active.val('ahex') == null) break;
colorMap.val('xy', { x: active.val('h'), y: 100 - active.val('v') }, colorMap);
colorBar.val('y', 100 - active.val('s'), colorBar);
case 'v':
setBG.call($this, colorMapDiv, '000000');
setImgLoc.call($this, colorMapL1, -780);
setImgLoc.call($this, colorMapL2, 260);
setBG.call($this, colorBarDiv, hex);
setImgLoc.call($this, colorBarL1, -520);
setImgLoc.call($this, colorBarL2, 260);
setAlpha.call($this, colorBarL2, 100);
setImgLoc.call($this, colorBarL6, 260);
setAlpha.call($this, colorBarL6, 100);
}, 0);
colorMap.range('all', { minX: 0, maxX: 360, minY: 0, maxY: 100 });
colorBar.range('rangeY', { minY: 0, maxY: 100 });
if (active.val('ahex') == null) break;
colorMap.val('xy', { x: active.val('h'), y: 100 - active.val('s') }, colorMap);
colorBar.val('y', 100 - active.val('v'), colorBar);
case 'r':
rgbMap = -1040;
rgbBar = -780;
colorMap.range('all', { minX: 0, maxX: 255, minY: 0, maxY: 255 });
colorBar.range('rangeY', { minY: 0, maxY: 255 });
if (active.val('ahex') == null) break;
colorMap.val('xy', { x: active.val('b'), y: 255 - active.val('g') }, colorMap);
colorBar.val('y', 255 - active.val('r'), colorBar);
case 'g':
rgbMap = -1560;
rgbBar = -1820;
colorMap.range('all', { minX: 0, maxX: 255, minY: 0, maxY: 255 });
colorBar.range('rangeY', { minY: 0, maxY: 255 });
if (active.val('ahex') == null) break;
colorMap.val('xy', { x: active.val('b'), y: 255 - active.val('r') }, colorMap);
colorBar.val('y', 255 - active.val('g'), colorBar);
case 'b':
rgbMap = -2080;
rgbBar = -2860;
colorMap.range('all', { minX: 0, maxX: 255, minY: 0, maxY: 255 });
colorBar.range('rangeY', { minY: 0, maxY: 255 });
if (active.val('ahex') == null) break;
colorMap.val('xy', { x: active.val('r'), y: 255 - active.val('g') }, colorMap);
colorBar.val('y', 255 - active.val('b'), colorBar);
case 'a':
setBG.call($this, colorMapDiv, 'transparent');
setImgLoc.call($this, colorMapL1, -260);
setImgLoc.call($this, colorMapL2, -520);
setImgLoc.call($this, colorBarL1, 260);
setImgLoc.call($this, colorBarL2, 260);
setAlpha.call($this, colorBarL2, 100);
setImgLoc.call($this, colorBarL6, 0);
setAlpha.call($this, colorBarL6, 100);
}, 0);
colorMap.range('all', { minX: 0, maxX: 360, minY: 0, maxY: 100 });
colorBar.range('rangeY', { minY: 0, maxY: 255 });
if (active.val('ahex') == null) break;
colorMap.val('xy', { x: active.val('h'), y: 100 - active.val('v') }, colorMap);
colorBar.val('y', 255 - active.val('a'), colorBar);
throw ('Invalid Mode');
switch (colorMode)
case 'h':
case 's':
case 'v':
case 'a':
setAlpha.call($this, colorMapL1, 100);
setAlpha.call($this, colorBarL1, 100);
setImgLoc.call($this, colorBarL3, 260);
setAlpha.call($this, colorBarL3, 100);
setImgLoc.call($this, colorBarL4, 260);
setAlpha.call($this, colorBarL4, 100);
}, 0);
case 'r':
case 'g':
case 'b':
setBG.call($this, colorMapDiv, 'transparent');
setBG.call($this, colorBarDiv, 'transparent');
setAlpha.call($this, colorBarL1, 100);
setAlpha.call($this, colorMapL1, 100);
setImgLoc.call($this, colorMapL1, rgbMap);
setImgLoc.call($this, colorMapL2, rgbMap - 260);
setImgLoc.call($this, colorBarL1, rgbBar - 780);
setImgLoc.call($this, colorBarL2, rgbBar - 520);
setImgLoc.call($this, colorBarL3, rgbBar);
setImgLoc.call($this, colorBarL4, rgbBar - 260);
setImgLoc.call($this, colorBarL6, 260);
setAlpha.call($this, colorBarL6, 100);
}, 0);
if (active.val('ahex') == null) return;
activeColorChanged.call($this, active);
activeColorChanged = // Update color when user changes text values
function(ui, context)
if (context == null || (context != colorBar && context != colorMap)) positionMapAndBarArrows.call($this, ui, context);
updatePreview.call($this, ui);
updateMapVisuals.call($this, ui);
updateBarVisuals.call($this, ui);
}, 0);
mapValueChanged = // user has dragged the ColorMap pointer
function(ui, context)
var active = color.active;
if (context != colorMap && active.val() == null) return;
var xy = ui.val('all');
switch (settings.color.mode)
case 'h':
active.val('sv', { s: xy.x, v: 100 - xy.y }, context);
case 's':
case 'a':
active.val('hv', { h: xy.x, v: 100 - xy.y }, context);
case 'v':
active.val('hs', { h: xy.x, s: 100 - xy.y }, context);
case 'r':
active.val('gb', { g: 255 - xy.y, b: xy.x }, context);
case 'g':
active.val('rb', { r: 255 - xy.y, b: xy.x }, context);
case 'b':
active.val('rg', { r: xy.x, g: 255 - xy.y }, context);
colorBarValueChanged = // user has dragged the ColorBar slider
function(ui, context)
var active = color.active;
if (context != colorBar && active.val() == null) return;
switch (settings.color.mode)
case 'h':
active.val('h', { h: 360 - ui.val('y') }, context);
case 's':
active.val('s', { s: 100 - ui.val('y') }, context);
case 'v':
active.val('v', { v: 100 - ui.val('y') }, context);
case 'r':
active.val('r', { r: 255 - ui.val('y') }, context);
case 'g':
active.val('g', { g: 255 - ui.val('y') }, context);
case 'b':
active.val('b', { b: 255 - ui.val('y') }, context);
case 'a':
active.val('a', 255 - ui.val('y'), context);
positionMapAndBarArrows = // position map and bar arrows to match current color
function(ui, context)
if (context != colorMap)
switch (settings.color.mode)
case 'h':
var sv = ui.val('sv');
colorMap.val('xy', { x: sv != null ? sv.s : 100, y: 100 - (sv != null ? sv.v : 100) }, context);
case 's':
case 'a':
var hv = ui.val('hv');
colorMap.val('xy', { x: hv && hv.h || 0, y: 100 - (hv != null ? hv.v : 100) }, context);
case 'v':
var hs = ui.val('hs');
colorMap.val('xy', { x: hs && hs.h || 0, y: 100 - (hs != null ? hs.s : 100) }, context);
case 'r':
var bg = ui.val('bg');
colorMap.val('xy', { x: bg && bg.b || 0, y: 255 - (bg && bg.g || 0) }, context);
case 'g':
var br = ui.val('br');
colorMap.val('xy', { x: br && br.b || 0, y: 255 - (br && br.r || 0) }, context);
case 'b':
var rg = ui.val('rg');
colorMap.val('xy', { x: rg && rg.r || 0, y: 255 - (rg && rg.g || 0) }, context);
if (context != colorBar)
switch (settings.color.mode)
case 'h':
colorBar.val('y', 360 - (ui.val('h') || 0), context);
case 's':
var s = ui.val('s');
colorBar.val('y', 100 - (s != null ? s : 100), context);
case 'v':
var v = ui.val('v');
colorBar.val('y', 100 - (v != null ? v : 100), context);
case 'r':
colorBar.val('y', 255 - (ui.val('r') || 0), context);
case 'g':
colorBar.val('y', 255 - (ui.val('g') || 0), context);
case 'b':
colorBar.val('y', 255 - (ui.val('b') || 0), context);
case 'a':
var a = ui.val('a');
colorBar.val('y', 255 - (a != null ? a : 255), context);
updatePreview =
var all = ui.val('all');
activePreview.css({ backgroundColor: all && '#' + all.hex || 'transparent' });
setAlpha.call($this, activePreview, all && Math.precision((all.a * 100) / 255, 4) || 0);
catch (e) { }
updateMapVisuals =
switch (settings.color.mode)
case 'h':
setBG.call($this, colorMapDiv, new Color({ h: ui.val('h') || 0, s: 100, v: 100 }).val('hex'));
case 's':
case 'a':
var s = ui.val('s');
setAlpha.call($this, colorMapL2, 100 - (s != null ? s : 100));
case 'v':
var v = ui.val('v');
setAlpha.call($this, colorMapL1, v != null ? v : 100);
case 'r':
setAlpha.call($this, colorMapL2, Math.precision((ui.val('r') || 0) / 255 * 100, 4));
case 'g':
setAlpha.call($this, colorMapL2, Math.precision((ui.val('g') || 0) / 255 * 100, 4));
case 'b':
setAlpha.call($this, colorMapL2, Math.precision((ui.val('b') || 0) / 255 * 100));
var a = ui.val('a');
setAlpha.call($this, colorMapL3, Math.precision(((255 - (a || 0)) * 100) / 255, 4));
updateBarVisuals =
switch (settings.color.mode)
case 'h':
var a = ui.val('a');
setAlpha.call($this, colorBarL5, Math.precision(((255 - (a || 0)) * 100) / 255, 4));
case 's':
var hva = ui.val('hva'),
saturatedColor = new Color({ h: hva && hva.h || 0, s: 100, v: hva != null ? hva.v : 100 });
setBG.call($this, colorBarDiv, saturatedColor.val('hex'));
setAlpha.call($this, colorBarL2, 100 - (hva != null ? hva.v : 100));
setAlpha.call($this, colorBarL5, Math.precision(((255 - (hva && hva.a || 0)) * 100) / 255, 4));
case 'v':
var hsa = ui.val('hsa'),
valueColor = new Color({ h: hsa && hsa.h || 0, s: hsa != null ? hsa.s : 100, v: 100 });
setBG.call($this, colorBarDiv, valueColor.val('hex'));
setAlpha.call($this, colorBarL5, Math.precision(((255 - (hsa && hsa.a || 0)) * 100) / 255, 4));
case 'r':
case 'g':
case 'b':
var hValue = 0, vValue = 0, rgba = ui.val('rgba');
if (settings.color.mode == 'r')
hValue = rgba && rgba.b || 0;
vValue = rgba && rgba.g || 0;
else if (settings.color.mode == 'g')
hValue = rgba && rgba.b || 0;
vValue = rgba && rgba.r || 0;
else if (settings.color.mode == 'b')
hValue = rgba && rgba.r || 0;
vValue = rgba && rgba.g || 0;
var middle = vValue > hValue ? hValue : vValue;
setAlpha.call($this, colorBarL2, hValue > vValue ? Math.precision(((hValue - vValue) / (255 - vValue)) * 100, 4) : 0);
setAlpha.call($this, colorBarL3, vValue > hValue ? Math.precision(((vValue - hValue) / (255 - hValue)) * 100, 4) : 0);
setAlpha.call($this, colorBarL4, Math.precision((middle / 255) * 100, 4));
setAlpha.call($this, colorBarL5, Math.precision(((255 - (rgba && rgba.a || 0)) * 100) / 255, 4));
case 'a':
var a = ui.val('a');
setBG.call($this, colorBarDiv, ui.val('hex') || '000000');
setAlpha.call($this, colorBarL5, a != null ? 0 : 100);
setAlpha.call($this, colorBarL6, a != null ? 100 : 0);
setBG =
function(el, c)
el.css({ backgroundColor: c && c.length == 6 && '#' + c || 'transparent' });
setImg =
function(img, src)
if (isLessThanIE7 && (src.indexOf('AlphaBar.png') != -1 || src.indexOf('Bars.png') != -1 || src.indexOf('Maps.png') != -1))
img.attr('pngSrc', src);
img.css({ backgroundImage: 'none', filter: 'progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader(src=\'' + src + '\', sizingMethod=\'scale\')' });
else img.css({ backgroundImage: 'url(\'' + src + '\')' });
setImgLoc =
function(img, y)
img.css({ top: y + 'px' });
setAlpha =
function(obj, alpha)
obj.css({ visibility: alpha > 0 ? 'visible' : 'hidden' });
if (alpha > 0 && alpha < 100)
if (isLessThanIE7)
var src = obj.attr('pngSrc');
if (src != null && (src.indexOf('AlphaBar.png') != -1 || src.indexOf('Bars.png') != -1 || src.indexOf('Maps.png') != -1))
obj.css({ filter: 'progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader(src=\'' + src + '\', sizingMethod=\'scale\') progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(opacity=' + alpha + ')' });
else obj.css({ opacity: Math.precision(alpha / 100, 4) });
else obj.css({ opacity: Math.precision(alpha / 100, 4) });
else if (alpha == 0 || alpha == 100)
if (isLessThanIE7)
var src = obj.attr('pngSrc');
if (src != null && (src.indexOf('AlphaBar.png') != -1 || src.indexOf('Bars.png') != -1 || src.indexOf('Maps.png') != -1))
obj.css({ filter: 'progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader(src=\'' + src + '\', sizingMethod=\'scale\')' });
else obj.css({ opacity: '' });
else obj.css({ opacity: '' });
revertColor = // revert color to original color when opened
color.active.val('ahex', color.current.val('ahex'));
commitColor = // commit the color changes
color.current.val('ahex', color.active.val('ahex'));
radioClicked =
setColorMode.call($this, e.target.value);
currentClicked =
cancelClicked =
settings.window.expandable && hide.call($this);
$.isFunction(cancelCallback) && cancelCallback.call($this, color.active, cancelButton);
okClicked =
settings.window.expandable && hide.call($this);
$.isFunction(commitCallback) && commitCallback.call($this, color.active, okButton);
iconImageClicked =
currentColorChanged =
function(ui, context)
var hex = ui.val('hex');
currentPreview.css({ backgroundColor: hex && '#' + hex || 'transparent' });
setAlpha.call($this, currentPreview, Math.precision(((ui.val('a') || 0) * 100) / 255, 4));
expandableColorChanged =
function(ui, context)
var hex = ui.val('hex');
var va = ui.val('va');
iconColor.css({ backgroundColor: hex && '#' + hex || 'transparent' });
setAlpha.call($this, iconAlpha, Math.precision(((255 - (va && va.a || 0)) * 100) / 255, 4));
if (settings.window.bindToInput&&settings.window.updateInputColor)
backgroundColor: hex && '#' + hex || 'transparent',
color: va == null || va.v > 75 ? '#000000' : '#ffffff'
moveBarMouseDown =
var element = settings.window.element, // local copies for YUI compressor
page = settings.window.page;
elementStartX = parseInt(container.css('left'));
elementStartY = parseInt(container.css('top'));
pageStartX = e.pageX;
pageStartY = e.pageY;
$(document).bind('mousemove', documentMouseMove).bind('mouseup', documentMouseUp);
e.preventDefault(); // prevent attempted dragging of the column
documentMouseMove =
container.css({ left: elementStartX - (pageStartX - e.pageX) + 'px', top: elementStartY - (pageStartY - e.pageY) + 'px' });
if (settings.window.expandable && !$.support.boxModel) container.prev().css({ left: container.css("left"), top: container.css("top") });
return false;
documentMouseUp =
$(document).unbind('mousemove', documentMouseMove).unbind('mouseup', documentMouseUp);
return false;
quickPickClicked =
color.active.val('ahex', $(this).prop('title') || null, e.target);
return false;
commitCallback = $.isFunction($arguments[1]) && $arguments[1] || null,
liveCallback = $.isFunction($arguments[2]) && $arguments[2] || null,
cancelCallback = $.isFunction($arguments[3]) && $arguments[3] || null,
show =
color.current.val('ahex', color.active.val('ahex'));
var attachIFrame = function()
if (!settings.window.expandable || $.support.boxModel) return;
var table = container.find('table:first');
container.prev().css({ width: table.width(), height: container.height(), opacity: 0, position: 'absolute', left: container.css("left"), top: container.css("top") });
if (settings.window.expandable)
switch (settings.window.effects.type)
case 'fade':
container.fadeIn(settings.window.effects.speed.show, attachIFrame);
case 'slide':
container.slideDown(settings.window.effects.speed.show, attachIFrame);
case 'show':
container.show(settings.window.effects.speed.show, attachIFrame);
hide =
var removeIFrame = function()
if (settings.window.expandable) container.css({ zIndex: 10 });
if (!settings.window.expandable || $.support.boxModel) return;
switch (settings.window.effects.type)
case 'fade':
container.fadeOut(settings.window.effects.speed.hide, removeIFrame);
case 'slide':
container.slideUp(settings.window.effects.speed.hide, removeIFrame);
case 'show':
container.hide(settings.window.effects.speed.hide, removeIFrame);
initialize =
var win = settings.window,
popup = win.expandable ? $($this).next().find('.Container:first') : null;
container = win.expandable ? $('
') : $($this);
container.addClass('jPicker Container');
if (win.expandable) container.hide();
container.get(0).onselectstart = function(event){ if (event.target.nodeName.toLowerCase() !== 'input') return false; };
var all = color.active.val('all');
if (win.alphaPrecision < 0) win.alphaPrecision = 0;
else if (win.alphaPrecision > 2) win.alphaPrecision = 2;
var controlHtml='';
if (win.expandable)
else $(document.body).children('div.jPicker.Container:last').after(container);
container.css( // positions must be set and display set to absolute before source code injection or IE will size the container to fit the window
win.position.x == 'left' ? (popup.offset().left - 530 - (win.position.y == 'center' ? 25 : 0)) + 'px' :
win.position.x == 'center' ? (popup.offset().left - 260) + 'px' :
win.position.x == 'right' ? (popup.offset().left - 10 + (win.position.y == 'center' ? 25 : 0)) + 'px' :
win.position.x == 'screenCenter' ? (($(document).width() >> 1) - 260) + 'px' : (popup.offset().left + parseInt(win.position.x)) + 'px',
position: 'absolute',
top: win.position.y == 'top' ? (popup.offset().top - 312) + 'px' :
win.position.y == 'center' ? (popup.offset().top - 156) + 'px' :
win.position.y == 'bottom' ? (popup.offset().top + 25) + 'px' : (popup.offset().top + parseInt(win.position.y)) + 'px'
container = $($this);
var tbody = container.find('tbody:first');
colorMapDiv = tbody.find('div.Map:first');
colorBarDiv = tbody.find('div.Bar:first');
var MapMaps = colorMapDiv.find('span'),
BarMaps = colorBarDiv.find('span');
colorMapL1 = MapMaps.filter('.Map1:first');
colorMapL2 = MapMaps.filter('.Map2:first');
colorMapL3 = MapMaps.filter('.Map3:first');
colorBarL1 = BarMaps.filter('.Map1:first');
colorBarL2 = BarMaps.filter('.Map2:first');
colorBarL3 = BarMaps.filter('.Map3:first');
colorBarL4 = BarMaps.filter('.Map4:first');
colorBarL5 = BarMaps.filter('.Map5:first');
colorBarL6 = BarMaps.filter('.Map6:first');
colorMap = new Slider(colorMapDiv,
width: images.colorMap.width,
height: images.colorMap.height
image: images.clientPath + images.colorMap.arrow.file,
width: images.colorMap.arrow.width,
height: images.colorMap.arrow.height
colorBar = new Slider(colorBarDiv,
width: images.colorBar.width,
height: images.colorBar.height
image: images.clientPath + images.colorBar.arrow.file,
width: images.colorBar.arrow.width,
height: images.colorBar.arrow.height
colorPicker = new ColorValuePicker(tbody, color.active, win.expandable && win.bindToInput ? win.input : null, win.alphaPrecision);
var hex = all != null ? all.hex : null,
preview = tbody.find('.Preview'),
button = tbody.find('.Button');
activePreview = preview.find('.Active:first').css({ backgroundColor: hex && '#' + hex || 'transparent' });
currentPreview = preview.find('.Current:first').css({ backgroundColor: hex && '#' + hex || 'transparent' }).bind('click', currentClicked);
setAlpha.call($this, currentPreview, Math.precision(color.current.val('a') * 100) / 255, 4);
okButton = button.find('.Ok:first').bind('click', okClicked);
cancelButton = button.find('.Cancel:first').bind('click', cancelClicked);
grid = button.find('.Grid:first');
setImg.call($this, colorMapL1, images.clientPath + 'Maps.png');
setImg.call($this, colorMapL2, images.clientPath + 'Maps.png');
setImg.call($this, colorMapL3, images.clientPath + 'map-opacity.png');
setImg.call($this, colorBarL1, images.clientPath + 'Bars.png');
setImg.call($this, colorBarL2, images.clientPath + 'Bars.png');
setImg.call($this, colorBarL3, images.clientPath + 'Bars.png');
setImg.call($this, colorBarL4, images.clientPath + 'Bars.png');
setImg.call($this, colorBarL5, images.clientPath + 'bar-opacity.png');
setImg.call($this, colorBarL6, images.clientPath + 'AlphaBar.png');
setImg.call($this, preview.find('div:first'), images.clientPath + 'preview-opacity.png');
}, 0);
tbody.find('td.Radio input').bind('click', radioClicked);
if (color.quickList && color.quickList.length > 0)
var html = '';
for (i = 0; i < color.quickList.length; i++)
if ((typeof (color.quickList[i])).toString().toLowerCase() == 'string') color.quickList[i] = new Color({ hex: color.quickList[i] });
var alpha = color.quickList[i].val('a');
var ahex = color.quickList[i].val('ahex');
if (!win.alphaSupport && ahex) ahex = ahex.substring(0, 6) + 'ff';
var quickHex = color.quickList[i].val('hex');
html+=' ';
setImg.call($this, grid, images.clientPath + 'bar-opacity.png');
setColorMode.call($this, settings.color.mode);
$.isFunction(liveCallback) && color.active.bind(liveCallback);
if (win.expandable)
$this.icon = popup.parents('.Icon:first');
iconColor = $this.icon.find('.Color:first').css({ backgroundColor: hex && '#' + hex || 'transparent' });
iconAlpha = $this.icon.find('.Alpha:first');
setImg.call($this, iconAlpha, images.clientPath + 'bar-opacity.png');
setAlpha.call($this, iconAlpha, Math.precision(((255 - (all != null ? all.a : 0)) * 100) / 255, 4));
iconImage = $this.icon.find('.Image:first').css(
backgroundImage: 'url(\'' + images.clientPath + images.picker.file + '\')'
}).bind('click', iconImageClicked);
if (win.bindToInput&&win.updateInputColor)
backgroundColor: hex && '#' + hex || 'transparent',
color: all == null || all.v > 75 ? '#000000' : '#ffffff'
moveBar = tbody.find('.Move:first').bind('mousedown', moveBarMouseDown);
else show.call($this);
destroy =
container.find('td.Radio input').unbind('click', radioClicked);
currentPreview.unbind('click', currentClicked);
cancelButton.unbind('click', cancelClicked);
okButton.unbind('click', okClicked);
if (settings.window.expandable)
iconImage.unbind('click', iconImageClicked);
moveBar.unbind('mousedown', moveBarMouseDown);
$this.icon = null;
container.find('.QuickColor').unbind('click', quickPickClicked);
colorMapDiv = null;
colorBarDiv = null;
colorMapL1 = null;
colorMapL2 = null;
colorMapL3 = null;
colorBarL1 = null;
colorBarL2 = null;
colorBarL3 = null;
colorBarL4 = null;
colorBarL5 = null;
colorBarL6 = null;
colorMap = null;
colorBar = null;
colorPicker = null;
activePreview = null;
currentPreview = null;
okButton = null;
cancelButton = null;
grid = null;
commitCallback = null;
cancelCallback = null;
liveCallback = null;
for (i = 0; i < List.length; i++) if (List[i] == $this) List.splice(i, 1);
images = settings.images, // local copies for YUI compressor
localization = settings.localization,
color =
active: (typeof(settings.color.active)).toString().toLowerCase() == 'string' ? new Color({ ahex: !settings.window.alphaSupport && settings.color.active ? settings.color.active.substring(0, 6) + 'ff' : settings.color.active }) : new Color({ ahex: !settings.window.alphaSupport && settings.color.active.val('ahex') ? settings.color.active.val('ahex').substring(0, 6) + 'ff' : settings.color.active.val('ahex') }),
current: (typeof(settings.color.active)).toString().toLowerCase() == 'string' ? new Color({ ahex: !settings.window.alphaSupport && settings.color.active ? settings.color.active.substring(0, 6) + 'ff' : settings.color.active }) : new Color({ ahex: !settings.window.alphaSupport && settings.color.active.val('ahex') ? settings.color.active.val('ahex').substring(0, 6) + 'ff' : settings.color.active.val('ahex') }),
quickList: settings.color.quickList
$.extend(true, $this, // public properties, methods, and callbacks
commitCallback: commitCallback, // commitCallback function can be overridden to return the selected color to a method you specify when the user clicks "OK"
liveCallback: liveCallback, // liveCallback function can be overridden to return the selected color to a method you specify in live mode (continuous update)
cancelCallback: cancelCallback, // cancelCallback function can be overridden to a method you specify when the user clicks "Cancel"
color: color,
show: show,
hide: hide,
destroy: destroy // destroys this control entirely, removing all events and objects, and removing itself from the List
}, 0);
$.fn.jPicker.defaults = /* jPicker defaults - you can change anything in this section (such as the clientPath to your images) without fear of breaking the program */
title: null, /* any title for the jPicker window itself - displays "Drag Markers To Pick A Color" if left null */
type: 'slide', /* effect used to show/hide an expandable picker. Acceptable values "slide", "show", "fade" */
show: 'slow', /* duration of "show" effect. Acceptable values are "fast", "slow", or time in ms */
hide: 'fast' /* duration of "hide" effect. Acceptable values are "fast", "slow", or time in ms */
x: 'screenCenter', /* acceptable values "left", "center", "right", "screenCenter", or relative px value */
y: 'top' /* acceptable values "top", "bottom", "center", or relative px value */
expandable: false, /* default to large static picker - set to true to make an expandable picker (small icon with popup) - set automatically when binded to input element */
liveUpdate: true, /* set false if you want the user to have to click "OK" before the binded input box updates values (always "true" for expandable picker) */
alphaSupport: false, /* set to true to enable alpha picking */
alphaPrecision: 0, /* set decimal precision for alpha percentage display - hex codes do not map directly to percentage integers - range 0-2 */
updateInputColor: true /* set to false to prevent binded input colors from changing */
mode: 'h', /* acceptabled values "h" (hue), "s" (saturation), "v" (value), "r" (red), "g" (green), "b" (blue), "a" (alpha) */
active: new Color({ ahex: '#ffcc00ff' }), /* acceptable values are any declared $.jPicker.Color object or string HEX value (e.g. #ffc000) WITH OR WITHOUT the "#" prefix */
quickList: /* the quick pick color list */
new Color({ h: 360, s: 33, v: 100 }), /* acceptable values are any declared $.jPicker.Color object or string HEX value (e.g. #ffc000) WITH OR WITHOUT the "#" prefix */
new Color({ h: 360, s: 66, v: 100 }),
new Color({ h: 360, s: 100, v: 100 }),
new Color({ h: 360, s: 100, v: 75 }),
new Color({ h: 360, s: 100, v: 50 }),
new Color({ h: 180, s: 0, v: 100 }),
new Color({ h: 30, s: 33, v: 100 }),
new Color({ h: 30, s: 66, v: 100 }),
new Color({ h: 30, s: 100, v: 100 }),
new Color({ h: 30, s: 100, v: 75 }),
new Color({ h: 30, s: 100, v: 50 }),
new Color({ h: 180, s: 0, v: 90 }),
new Color({ h: 60, s: 33, v: 100 }),
new Color({ h: 60, s: 66, v: 100 }),
new Color({ h: 60, s: 100, v: 100 }),
new Color({ h: 60, s: 100, v: 75 }),
new Color({ h: 60, s: 100, v: 50 }),
new Color({ h: 180, s: 0, v: 80 }),
new Color({ h: 90, s: 33, v: 100 }),
new Color({ h: 90, s: 66, v: 100 }),
new Color({ h: 90, s: 100, v: 100 }),
new Color({ h: 90, s: 100, v: 75 }),
new Color({ h: 90, s: 100, v: 50 }),
new Color({ h: 180, s: 0, v: 70 }),
new Color({ h: 120, s: 33, v: 100 }),
new Color({ h: 120, s: 66, v: 100 }),
new Color({ h: 120, s: 100, v: 100 }),
new Color({ h: 120, s: 100, v: 75 }),
new Color({ h: 120, s: 100, v: 50 }),
new Color({ h: 180, s: 0, v: 60 }),
new Color({ h: 150, s: 33, v: 100 }),
new Color({ h: 150, s: 66, v: 100 }),
new Color({ h: 150, s: 100, v: 100 }),
new Color({ h: 150, s: 100, v: 75 }),
new Color({ h: 150, s: 100, v: 50 }),
new Color({ h: 180, s: 0, v: 50 }),
new Color({ h: 180, s: 33, v: 100 }),
new Color({ h: 180, s: 66, v: 100 }),
new Color({ h: 180, s: 100, v: 100 }),
new Color({ h: 180, s: 100, v: 75 }),
new Color({ h: 180, s: 100, v: 50 }),
new Color({ h: 180, s: 0, v: 40 }),
new Color({ h: 210, s: 33, v: 100 }),
new Color({ h: 210, s: 66, v: 100 }),
new Color({ h: 210, s: 100, v: 100 }),
new Color({ h: 210, s: 100, v: 75 }),
new Color({ h: 210, s: 100, v: 50 }),
new Color({ h: 180, s: 0, v: 30 }),
new Color({ h: 240, s: 33, v: 100 }),
new Color({ h: 240, s: 66, v: 100 }),
new Color({ h: 240, s: 100, v: 100 }),
new Color({ h: 240, s: 100, v: 75 }),
new Color({ h: 240, s: 100, v: 50 }),
new Color({ h: 180, s: 0, v: 20 }),
new Color({ h: 270, s: 33, v: 100 }),
new Color({ h: 270, s: 66, v: 100 }),
new Color({ h: 270, s: 100, v: 100 }),
new Color({ h: 270, s: 100, v: 75 }),
new Color({ h: 270, s: 100, v: 50 }),
new Color({ h: 180, s: 0, v: 10 }),
new Color({ h: 300, s: 33, v: 100 }),
new Color({ h: 300, s: 66, v: 100 }),
new Color({ h: 300, s: 100, v: 100 }),
new Color({ h: 300, s: 100, v: 75 }),
new Color({ h: 300, s: 100, v: 50 }),
new Color({ h: 180, s: 0, v: 0 }),
new Color({ h: 330, s: 33, v: 100 }),
new Color({ h: 330, s: 66, v: 100 }),
new Color({ h: 330, s: 100, v: 100 }),
new Color({ h: 330, s: 100, v: 75 }),
new Color({ h: 330, s: 100, v: 50 }),
new Color()
clientPath: '/Scripts/jPicker/images/', /* Path to image files */
width: 256,
height: 256,
file: 'mappoint.gif', /* ColorMap arrow icon */
width: 15,
height: 15
width: 20,
height: 256,
file: 'rangearrows.gif', /* ColorBar arrow icon */
width: 20,
height: 7
file: 'picker.gif', /* Color Picker icon */
width: 25,
height: 24
localization: /* alter these to change the text presented by the picker (e.g. different language) */
title: 'Drag Markers To Pick A Color',
newColor: 'new',
currentColor: 'current',
ok: 'OK',
cancel: 'Cancel'
newColor: 'New Color - Press “OK” To Commit',
currentColor: 'Click To Revert To Original Color'
ok: 'Commit To This Color Selection',
cancel: 'Cancel And Revert To Original Color'
radio: 'Set To “Hue” Color Mode',
textbox: 'Enter A “Hue” Value (0-360°)'
radio: 'Set To “Saturation” Color Mode',
textbox: 'Enter A “Saturation” Value (0-100%)'
radio: 'Set To “Value” Color Mode',
textbox: 'Enter A “Value” Value (0-100%)'
radio: 'Set To “Red” Color Mode',
textbox: 'Enter A “Red” Value (0-255)'
radio: 'Set To “Green” Color Mode',
textbox: 'Enter A “Green” Value (0-255)'
radio: 'Set To “Blue” Color Mode',
textbox: 'Enter A “Blue” Value (0-255)'
radio: 'Set To “Alpha” Color Mode',
textbox: 'Enter A “Alpha” Value (0-100)'
textbox: 'Enter A “Hex” Color Value (#000000-#ffffff)',
alpha: 'Enter A “Alpha” Value (#00-#ff)'
})(jQuery, '1.1.6');